Tuesday, December 29, 2009
hmmm post from phone is missing.
11. make the bear skin rug
12. make the leopard robe
13. make leopard skin rug
14. think of fun kid item to make with leopard skin fleece?
15. take care of the worms
16. more grass for the kitties
17. clean clean clean
18. haul out some of this crap.
19. hang out with some friends
20. start the knitting group again?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Almost the end of the season
I have a few plans, for my time off.
One. Clean the apartment.
Two. Yoga till I iron out the kinks.
Three. Fix my sewing machine.
Four. Sew monkey cats
Five. Put camera software on computer.
Six. Learn how to make ringtones.
Seven. Make individual ringtones. I will take suggestions.
Eight. Finish the Longest Journey II
Nine. Play oblivion.
Ten. Knit my green sweater.
Monday, December 14, 2009
I am a little bit of a failure.
But they will follow shortly.
I am not sure what is wrong with me, but it might be that I am not used to this schedule.. sort of split days and in the evening, also having a portable computer/iphone has not helped.
I think in my head I thought more time would free itself up. As I look at two more days off before christmas, not counting Xmas eve. and I need to give up my delusions...
With one of four socks almost done... I need to concentrate on the mittens which I have to design. Then knit. and a hat for a friend in exchange for a cake. the hat should be nothing...
I still have my housewifely duties to perform... which I hope to work on tonight. but there is no joy in it.
I am a little mad at christmas. why can't you happen in February... when I might have time.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving my Pumpkins
I am staying home with the roommate, I worked on Wednesday only until 7pm, then opened my box of new vacuum ... Only 9 pounds, I hope to vacuum my room tomorrow... The rest of the apartment will need a bit of work before I can get it properly. I won't have a month of no roommate for Christmas, or even in January so I will have to try to peck at it as best I can. It's a little disappointing but I have to suck it up.
So, after Thanksgiving I start tech rehearsals for Black Nativity... Perversely I am a tiny bit excited. I won't be in a week but oh well.
But tomorrow, there will be turkey, potatoes, yams, green bean casserole, stuffing, and an experimental pie... Pumpkin apple, I think I talked about it before, but in case I didn't, a recipe which was really just an ad for corn syrup looked intriguing to Pat, and it did but there was no way I was going to make a pie with canned apple filling when I had 6 apples hanging out, and I also had a pie pumpkin, so I figured I would fake it from scratch. Well the pies are done, I made two and just split two recipes between two pies. The apples did not stay on the bottom like the canned filling in the picture and we will have to see how they turned out but I am hopeful.
What else, oh I bought yarn. That's it. Oh. And I have decided that stalking celebities on Twitter is lots of fun. But you do sort of think of them as your friends. Then again it's only a few that are really really famous, the rest are just actors and musicians in shows and bands I like. The actors I could conceiveably meet in my life. In fact I keep hoping someday someone I know will be on a show I love... Besides the law and orders I mean.
Well goodnight. Happy turkey!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Both are from Jasper Fforde. "porridge, you know you want some." and "Acme quality service". I also got a shirt for a friend for Xmas, "Toast, Have you had yours today "
I looked at some shirts at the Kingdom of Loathing store as well. I can't decide, though I like the ninja snowman a lot, the bugbear, gravy fairy, and vicious gnaga are all good too.
My life is thrilling
1. both Daily Dose of Fiber shirts from Ravelry
2. the parts of a sheep (also a knitting shirt)
3. the Jasper Fforde Ginja t-shirt
4. something from Kingdom of Loathing.
thats all I can think of now.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Look at that I posted last week.
do yourself a favor... look up twillionth on youtube. pretty funny.
the week went the same as all the weeks before... I guess.
Roommate doesn't think he is going home for Christmas... whatever.
My cat alice cries all the time when I am home and she needs to be near me, its sweet and a little annoying.
My show closes this week, on Thursday, and I am both excited and dreading it, dreading it because I am not sure how long before Black Nativity drives me insane, and I want to die, and excited because I am a little tired of this really long play we are doing.
So, news, Sheila Daniels, an associate director is quitting to do what she actually loves to do, direct instead of administration and schmoozing... Yeah! Julia Collins is being promoted to something similar to general manager while Rebecca has her baby, and to a real title of her own when Rebecca comes back. So if you know anyone who wants to be production manager of the Intiman, now is their chance.
ummmmm I ordered an Oreck vacuum cleaner... I was going to pay cash for the whole thing, but in the end, I didn't feel I could swing it... so, I am paying payments, its not too bad, no interest and I will be done next year. It will let me be able to do other things... like change the cat box system... long story that might be too much information. I am also going to get some silk long johns from Dharma Trading company, and dye them for myself. a gift to me.
What haven't I done, uploaded the camera software into the new computer. or cleaned this fucking apartment.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Another Week of my life
I have a day off tomorrow, which is nice, I have a class in the evening though.
The class might be fun, its surfaces and consumables. there is a class the next day too, but I can't take it, since I will be working... which is weapons I think... great huh... its the one I really wanted to take, and maybe don't already know.
Oh well...
So, plans for the coming week.
we have 2 shows on Wednesday, so they are organizing a pot luck between shows, which should be good. I am making Kim's homemade Tofurkey. It is better I think than store bought. and there are vegetarians in the cast and crew.
I need to write out my current recipe for Aloo Gobi (curry potatoes and cauliflower), and Pat found a recipe for apple pumpkin pie. The recipe itself sounds disgusting... well, that's not fair... it uses apple pie fillling from a can and karo syrup, but I think it was their coupons it was pushing... so... I think I will make the Joy of cooking basic apple pie, and joy of cooking basic pumpkin pie and split the recipes and make one pie. The idea is very intriguing.
thats the cooking out of the way... I guess...
we are making decisions about Thanksgiving now though... unfortunately I only have Thanksgiving day off, surrounded by long days... not sure...
I am sure it will be great.
Friday, November 6, 2009
New app for fancy shiny phone
Technology is very tricky and frightening at the same time, they say by 2020 or sooner they will have computers as fast or faster than the human brain.
Oh I did have something of general interest to share, arosol pancakes... Pancake batter in a whipcream can... Not so delicious. You might be tempted, because pancakes are good. I feel bad not recommending them because they are organic and corn free.
I had an issue with the roommate, and I got very mad, rightfully so maybe, but I was just going to let it stew. He hadn't realized how disrespectful his actions would seem to me, and he was very sorry. So I think I grew a little by not letting it fester. I like to believe I am being the better person by not saying anything, but he was really unaware of who hurt I was.
I knit a baby kimono for Rebecca at work, her baby is due in the very begining of December.
I am in love with the idea of a staycation after the Intiman season is over. In an ideal world I could go on a vacation. Or better yet, spend a month and see everyone I miss in california, family I haven't seen in 20 years. I would love to meet Maia, Sabine and Mike's daughter. Ideally I could spend a week with everyone. I can't afford it though, time wise or moneywise, possibly even sanity wise. Plus the roommate will be out of town until the 10th of January and I will not waste that time. Sorry.
So I am going to have a spa retreat at home. Except for the tanning. I will have to go out for that. The details I am suddenly reluctant to disclose.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Mac and blue cheese
cook as per directions on the bag.
in a bowl or large measuring cup, combine 1 cup blue cheese crumbles, 1 cup of milk of your preferred variety, 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese, and 2 tablespoons of butter or butter substance. Mix together if you feel inclined... or not.
Drain pasta, return to pot, mix in cheese concoction, once everything is melted, I call it done.
This recipe is not for people who do not like blue cheese. I can see myself trying this with Feta, for a different flavor. Because I am me, I would add kalamata olives to it, and sun-dried tomatoes since in my mind those things go with feta... but... I guess you don't have to do that.
Monday, November 2, 2009
oh my god
the Sheep gene is strong I guess, and the need to bring my internet stalking to all new heights.
now I must find all my celebrities, and see if the twitter... oh yeah and some friends... oh god its like facebook without the games.
I blame the fancy phone.... stupid shiny fancy phone.
Hello Again.
but I am going back to the gym today, before I go to costco, so maybe that will help. I am going to try and schedule time to go to the gym around work, its hard to do, as I like to procrastinate, until just before its time to go to work, but I am going to try. I also bought a little Xena to watch at the gym.
I would like to take a moment to wax lyrical about the new iPhone... miss cheapy pants doesn't like the monthy bill, but, its like this little mini computer. Who knew 10 years ago, that I couldn't let a day go by without constant access to the internet. I barely get phone calls anywmore, but I love it.
Oh iPhone, I neglect my other ipods because of you.
okay... moving on... not much else to say... contract negotiations are... going I guess, no raise for the rest of the year, but that is fine. I think we want a quarter next year or something. at least 3 of the plays for next season have been chosen... Ruined, a play about women in a war zone, specifically the Congo, but could be anywhere. Paradise Lost by Clifford Odets, and A Doctor inspite of Himself, by Moliere... I don't know the Paradise Lost play, but I have read something that said its about the great depression. The Moliere... well it will be funny about sly servants, young girls and dirty old men... but I haven't read that one either... both are in my bag I might read them tonight.... I do know the Moliere piece is going to be directed by Christopher Beyes, or at least that is the plan, and with the new artistic directors husband... Who is currently donkey on Broadway in Shrek. Christopher directed Scapin, the first show I ever worked on at the Intiman, and it was pretty funny, and I recall that I thought it was funny the whole run... which is pretty remarkable.
ummmm, my roommate Pat, has been really thinking about another cat. Alternately a kitten or a rescue cat, I remain unconvinced, although I love the idea of kittens, and I love all the cats, all the cats don't think I have enough time for them. And Bovine gets very jealous, how will she react to a different cat getting love from Pat?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I just remembered
It is to be expected that I love StarGate Universe, me being the stargate freak that I am... but its different... less adventure, more drama.
speaking of adventure, and such, I saw The Panic Room, it was not the large pile of poo I thought it would be, I was also afraid it would be too scary for me, but it was not very scary, and I didn't like the way they wrapped it up at the end, but it was entertaining.
ok... there are my review of the week. I really have to do a little laundry.
its only been a week, perhaps there is no need to update?
It hasn't done anything yet, it was just asking to be allowed to get on the internet whenever it wanted, and it didn't want to take no for an answer, so I made spybot remember to not let it on, and did a scan, sure enough... it was being difficult to remove, so I had to download new spybot updates... yes I know you are supposed to update every week... but... anyway.
I decided to update you while I wait.
Still working on Abe Lincoln in Illinois, its getting really great reviews. I can't tell if its good, the tiny bit I see at the end is beautifully lit, but thats all I really know, Jeanette said it was good. It runs for another 3 weeks. Then we get black nativity.
I had been wondering how it is that I never think I have time to get things done, and what is it that is wrong with me, I have really been beating myself up about it lately... The Apartment is in a terrible state. but then I look back on my life recently... let's start with today and work backwards. so, I have today off, and tonight I have a class at 6pm, so I have to leave at 5:30, and I really should have gotten some stuff done, but there is trojan on my computer. Blah... I can do some stuff in a minute... Tomorrow, I have rehearsal at 10:30 am till 3:30, a work party (Halloween) till 5:00 and work at 6:30 till 11:00 ish.
Yesterday, work at 2pm until 11pm Tuesday, work 1pm to 10pm Monday, 12:30 to 11:30pm Sunday, 12:30 to 11:30pm saturday. I feel guilty if I sleep in. maybe its because I don't like to start what I can't finish right away.... now that I have written it down, I see there is time.
anyway. I am making progress on some mitten designs, I have taken a break to knit a baby sweater for a co-worker, that will be done tomorrow. if I have to stay up late to do it.
I had more to say, but I have to go.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Abe Lincoln is up, and life is calmer
I think a sickness is about to sweep the cast though. Hannah one of the children in the cast threw up in the wings yesterday, and today another actor is out with a fever. I feel sniffly
um.. I just made a huge dinner... steak, mac and blue cheese, and veggies... I might pop.
what else... I have started on some christmas mittens, of my own design... to be honest, I am not happy with them at the moment. I am doing mittens for myself first, and I screwed up a little by not understanding how a mitten works... I have to be optimistic though... I have so much knitting to do... hmmmm anyway.
I am going to change out the laundry, and maybe clean a bit.
Friday, October 9, 2009
bad poster
I think its a good show, but I like to think this process could have been easier. It seemed some places I have worked to be less hard.
But maybe time blurs the lines?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
unanswerable questions.
Why am I obsessed with Estonia?
Why is it hard to find pictures to explain bizarre color codes of fancy Estonia yarn I cannot pronounce? If I could pronounce it I could have asked Local Yarn Stores if they carry it and could I come look at it?
Will I ever stop buying yarn? and Will I ever knit all the yarn I have?
Why does the play I am working on make me think of an article on superstition in cats and pigeons, but really the question is why does everything make me think of that article. Or if not that article, then the one that postulated skin color variation was in response to vitamin D and Folic Acid. (Basically, lack of vitamin D can give you rickets, lack of folic acid in utero causes spina bifida. Too much vitamin D can cause your body to use up too much of your folic acid. The only natually occurring vitamin d other than sunlight, is cold water fish, and beef liver. So, the theory goes, skin color is a delicate balance of not too much but just enough of these two vitamins. ) I read this article once years ago, and can now not find any follow up research, it might make me crazy one day.
hmm, maybe that is all of my unanswerable questions?
ps. I bought too much yarn, again.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I did a little on the ongoing tell the computer where the music files are project... I am not doing the majority of the books on cd that I have already uploaded, but I did want to get the Jared Diamond book done... oh, you don't know what I am talking about? when I transferred from one computer to another, I thought I would be smart and move all the music files the the external, but the new computer didn't automatically find the songs, so, I have to individually tell it where each one is... good times... for not just me, for Pat as well... I don't do it everyday. I should I might be done already, but.... anyway, I am doing them in order by artist, and Jared Diamond (who wrote guns germs and steel) wrote a book called Collapse, about what makes societies collapse, the Maya, Easter Island, Greenland etc. and its 22 cds long. I really want it to be the next book I listen to while I knit, and I have only found through disc 11.
I have started looking for yarn for the mittens, I had thought at first I would use a basic yarn from knit picks... but then I got to thinking, I want to make the rainbow bears for Pat's mittens, and I know a few yarns that have long color repeats so, those might work, but is rainbow a color that is in season, or di I want to use multiple yarns, and have more control, but less delightful accident? It doesn't help that I was at a yarn store, and found some beautiful silk wool yarn for reasonable... in good colors... I recall seeing exactly what would work for this project, but I can't find it anymore... so, a little stymied, but its still in the begining stages....
Monday, September 14, 2009
Its almost time to start the christmas knitting.
I am not sure about anyone else...more leg warmers...?
the creative part of the socks will be in the dyeing process, I think. I have this sock yarn that was knit flat undyed, and you can dye a picture in it and then knit it, and it is sort of supposed to come out, its probably not made for detail work, but I could possibly make something fun.
And why mittens for Jana and Daniel... well, I want to send them a present, and I want to make pictures in fair isle mittens that are cool. They work out because they are cool, and live in Finland. This really started because Jana sent me this awesome plate and cup with traditional Finnish decorations on them, which are very cool, Yelena looked at them and pronounced them Russian, which leads me to a book I know that exists
Folk Knitting in Estonia
a Garland of Symbolism,
Tradition and Technique

Estonia... that's all up in Finland's neighborhood.
For a moment I was all fired up to buy the book, but I got a good look at the patterns on Ravelry, and I think I am going to wing it with my Knitters Handy Book of Patterns. I knew I would want to create my own colorwork pattern, to be individualized. So, I have looked up math equations for Daniels and I might make Grateful Dead mittens for the roommate. For Jana, she might read this, and I don't have any concrete ideas yet.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
the thoughts that I think.
It is not demanding work.
Its sort of mind numbingly dull by this point in the process. (2 weeks left)
To keep myself awake, I have to think of other things with 90% of my brain. The other 10% I leave with the show, to listen to the stage manager when my light is not on, and watch the actress and follow her when my light is on.
I think of many great things to write about, brilliant, insightful things, about the state of the economy, political meanness, the way theatres should be run, evil coworkers and how I might poke them in the eye with a spoon, literary comparisons like the Year of Magical Thinking and Frankenstein - Frankenstein was written because Mary Shelley lost her mind a bit when her child died, which also leads to superstition and myth and death.
But when I get home, all I want to do, it check my facebook pirates, and eat a snack...
I do want to make a brief liberal statement to the nasty Republicans out there, do you think we were this mean to Bush that you have to be evil, do you think we weren't this mean because Bush was a better president than Obama, or because we were too wousy? I think we were being polite. Don't ask me in snide ways how I think its not better. Warm dog shit on a stick would be better than Bush, and I will always think that. I know the Republicans aren't the LaRouche assholes with the Obama as Hitler posters, but give the guy a break, he inherited the crap economy, he inherited the war, he inherited a bunch of shit, and we won't know his true legacy for a while. We can't even be sure of the Bush legacy at this point. So give the guy a damn break.
And before you say I get my news from some yellow liberal news source, I mostly read the Economist for my world news, with a little NPR (which I mostly can listen only for the human interest stories) and well, scientific american.
errrrr... I also get a little worked up, up there in the catwalk, with my light, in the dark.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Where does the time go?
maybe its because nothing much happens in my life.
I promise there will be more of an update soon.
I am not dead, and life is not terrible. so...
If I could figure out how to update this from my phone, I might do it, while sitting around at my job unable to do anything that makes noise.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Ah the joys of theatre
our play is not quite up to snuff, so, we are delaying the opening. And we got an understudy. But there is a little tiny party for production staff tomorrow night... I wonder how much I can drink before they cut me off... no I am kidding. No really... last week, I had two beers on Sunday, and one beer on monday, and thought to myself as I choose not to have a second beer on Monday, that 4 beers in 2 days, might mean I have a problem.
Its been a long hard tech, and our actress, has had a very hard time. I don't know the entire extent of everything, so, I can't say anything for certain as to why she is having a hard time. I have strong opinions, as I am sure anyone reading this will know. But anyway.
There is much to look forward to this week. Stitch and Pitch on Thursday, its a baseball game a bunch of knitters go to, and there is free stuff.
I broke down and signed up for an AT&T account, and ordered an iPhone. I know its silly, and wasteful, and silly, but childishly, I really want one. I bought an ipod touch about a month ago, and its all that I ever wanted except it doesn't take pictures or make calls. Is it only to update Facebook with inanities, maybe... but its a pda you can play games and movies on....
Its funny that I do this just as iTunes gets more and more on my nerves.
The question now becomes, what becomes of the ipod touch? I have a few ideas, and here they are, my roommate, my roommate's brother, my friend Ali, or my dad.
My roommate, because its a silly piece of technology he would never get for himself, I worry it will make him want an iphone though, I believe it is gateway technology. My roommate's brother, who is undergoing dialysis 3 times a week, now there is someone who might need a diversion that is portable. Its not the brother who I have met, but, still. Ali? well she knows she does not want an iphone, since she wants to get a phone that takes sim cards for other countries, since she travels, but she might think is fun. My dad, well he might think it is fun too, or not...
if none of these 4 wants it, I am going to sell it for $100 on Craigs list or through a friend.
To counteract this willful spendthriftyness, I bought a cd at my bank, $500 now, and adding $200 a month, for the next two years. At the end of two years I should have $5000. spend and save. a new policy.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Should have posted on Monday
I am about to start day two of tech week. and this show is intermidable. er... unending? I had such high hopes really. because I really loved the book.
I can decide yet if it is the actress, or the director, but I think its the actress, this 90 minute play is so ponderous, and the book - not ponderous.
I always thought they should get a younger actress to do it, and they just make her up to be older.
its unfair of me to say, maybe ageist, but its huge... and we have no understudy, and she can't learn the lines.
well, anyway, I may be over stating the case, I have gotten 5 hours of sleep last night, and I am forcing myself to not go to work till 9am, not that its going to give me more sleep, but, there was no big reason to come at 8am, except guilt. but I really should make a bit of coffee, or drink tea, and make my breakfast, lunch and dinner, and get this party started.
On an animated movie front. I watched The Cat Returns, (a Miyazaki film) yesterday during dinner. It was pretty cute. I bought a few Miyazaki films at... sigh... Costco, the shorter ones we can watch during the 2 hour dinner break, I had hoped to share Spirited Away with Jeanette, but it might be too long, we can do it if we start right away, so, beverages will have to be bought at lunch.
What else... there was somehing... oh right, I am pretty convinced that I NEED an iphone, because I am a hopeless consumer, and must keep up with the cool kids, plus, constant connection to facebook. maybe I will start to twitter. ohhhh.... but I have given myself the task of coming up with 85 reasons to get one (the price of monthly service) I wonder if I smoked 85 dollars worth of cigarettes a month, could just send it to another blood sucker.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Days off are not the same
Its hard to motivate. and I miss cigarettes a little.
I want to hide in a cave for a week, instead I have to tech a show, which might be excruciatingly slow... or could go very quickly.
I don't really know what I want.
I did knit with my friend Lauren today, and that was nice. Now I need to put the headphones on and clean my room and the kitchen.
blah blah... maybe this is hormonal... I hope so, that would be nice.
tomorrow I will be peppier
Thursday, August 13, 2009
What... Over a month?
sometimes it seems as if my life is so boring there is nothing to say, or I am too tired.
But lets see what I can do.
We had a nice run of Othello, it was good, but nothing spectacular... which was unfortunate, and it could very well have not been spectacular if Bart had directed it, but this was hyped up, and it did pretty well, and was decent, so, thats enough of that.
I will say I thought on the whole the entire cast was very pleasant, surprisingly so, since that is not always the case, often times, there is one or two who are just nasty people. The entire supporting cast was from the previous production in new york, I think, the musician might not have been, but I only just guessed this by looking at facebook photos, but I digressed, I think the original cast was very tired of this show, they didn't want to play anymore. During the second to last week, we had a Seattle heatwave (over 100 degrees for one day, surrounded by 90 degree days.... we broke records.) and there are maybe 4 air conditioners in the city, so, most of the cast became whiny bitches, the last couple of days in the run they were also a little needy. I will say that Sean (who played Othello) was my favorite, he was very funny, and super nice. Plus he never complained to me, would sometimes comment on adverse conditions after curtain call. Did I mention he was funny. Elisabeth who played Desdemona was good too, though very quiet.
Lets see, after this show was open, I had a little fued with Dave, the master electrician, but that seems better, and now during load in I think Adam the swing tech in a freaking whiny crybaby, and I want to smack him for just being a bad stage hand. I am still mad at him.
Um.... I quit smoking. All in all its been okay, not too terrible, its made me a little touchy, I have drunk a couple of gallons of kava tea, which is helpful. I have also, puffed on five cigarettes since I officially quit, not smoked the whole things, just lite them really, I told myself it was to make sure I didn't want to smoke, but it was the nicotine. So, my progress has been hampered by that. Its been 3 days, since I last puffed on a cigarette, and about 3 weeks since I quit. I try to think of it less as if its going well to its a done deal, like I am a non-smoker and thats it. But all the little excuses pop up, and the things you blamed on cigarettes are still there, and the triggers for smoking, the biggest of which being, I am a procrastinator, so, I am always going to get going on something after a cigarette. well, I still think that, and I still get nothing done. so.... Not sure what to do there.
Recent-ish news... my roommate is in the hospital, he had chills and nausea so, he called 911. He has a hard time functioning sometimes, and I think he over reacts. I also think he has enjoyed the attention he gets when he is sick. there are some people in the world, who always have to prove they are the sickest in the room, and he is one of those. You tell them you dont feel well, they probably have the flu. Your knee hurts theirs hurts too, possibly more. We have all met them. Maybe its because I grew up with the least sympathic person in the world, being sick got you nothing, but I don't automatically freak out that he is about to die. Now, he is in the hospital because he is 400 lbs, and if they don't know what it is, at that weight they hospitalize you. Partly because they don't realize he is pretty healthy all things considered.
But on the flip side, they said he would be released today if he remained stable, and he isn't home yet. So, I wont say I am not worried.
Boobie Bump update.... nothing to say, still waiting the 3 months till I go to the surgeon again. I think its one month to go, or six weeks. I panicked the other day, because I thought it was bigger and more sore... but I did a little math, and its hormones.
what else... oh, my ipod died, so I had to get it checked out at the apple store, which was frightening, it was like a clockwork orange in there, not the violence, the sterile-ness of it. but I think they may have brainwashed me, not only did I get my ipod replaced, but over the next week I bought a new nano, and an ipod touch, plus assessories.
so, good bye for now, more updates later.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Yet another long time between updates
Its a thrill a minute here.
So the show is Othello, and we imported almost all of it from New York. so far I think it is good, but its strange, all of the parts that would normally be filled by local actors are filled by new york actors, who are good, but not exceptional, and they have very little experience in larger theatres.
I haven't posted any pictures lately because I haven't put my camera software on the new computer yet, its on my list for Monday, but we will see, I think all of my old pictures have safely been transfered but I don't know until I can find them with the software... but I might use picassa to organize them in one place.
the computer move has not been as smooth and I would have wished, and its a little disappointing, part of this might be my lack of enthusiasm for sitting at a computer screen for hours figuring it out, and part might just be lack of time.
My job for the most part is 40 hours a week, but I think because its in the evening its hard to motivate in the morning to get things done, and even harder in the evening after work.
I may also have been a little lazy.
On the knitting front I have started a new sweater. I had planned to dye some sock yarn for some sock gifts, but that has yet to happen... so, not for the original gift giving idea time, but maybe for christmas? I have also decided to only work on two projects at a time, I had a serious case of startitis just before Sock Wars started, and now I have 5 pairs of socks on the go, all of them started, but only one pair on the second sock. So, the socks are an at home project and the sweater is an at work project, in fact I should be knitting right now, its a good time.
When my father reads this, I hope you accept my apologies for missing fathers day. I am the worst daughter ever.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Domestic partner laws
I think its a little silly, and I think why does it matter... they say for religious reasons, then my church and state dander gets up... and I wonder when the burnings will start.
But it also makes me think of common law marriages, I don't believe Washington is a common law state... let me google that real quick. No.
Now I know more about common law marriage too.
anyway... my roommate and I have lived in this same apartment for almost 9 years, never have I put down that I was his spouse, never have I used his last name on any document, yet I get mail fairly frequently for Laura G.... Feminism dander just said he never gets anything for pat S........ anyway.
My point here is two men or two women can live together for years and I have more rights to sue my roommate for support than they would have, they probably wouldn't even get mail in each others name.
Its not even the negative aspects of marriage that get me, almost no one is scandalized in anyway by me living with a male roommate. My mother doesn't know, not because she would be scandalized, but because she would never believe it wasn't sexual. I could lie and say one or the other of us was homosexual, I think its better to simply fail to mention Pat is a guy. But I digress... where was I.
Maybe its because I know a few gay people, but I don't think the fabric of society will shred if we let them do what they have been doing.. ie... shacking up, with a piece of paper... I don't think gay marriage encourages people to become gay... you are or you aren't unless you are bisexual in which case everyone give you a hard time for indecision.
It's like abortion in a way, long before it was legal it has been happening, and if it became illegal again, it would continue to happen, it would be expensive and unregulated, and less safe than carrying a baby to term in this modern day and age. Would there be less abortion, hard to say, if its unregulated, how would you know what the numbers are.
Homosexuality would still happen, and they would live together. This just makes it so the person closest to them can be a part of their decisions. It makes them truly financially responsible for one another.
It's almost like interracial couples being allowed to get married, it deeply offends a great many people, but the majority no longer feel that it is wrong, or even exceptional.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Boobie Bump Update
There was poking... it didn't like it.
And we talked about options.
Which are, schedule a lumpectomy, do a needle biopsy, or wait and observe it for 3 months.
The lumpectomy is a bit extreme, it would be the only conclusive way to know if it is not the Big C, but since it is most likely not the Big C, it will probably resolve itself.
Needle Biopsy, unless it comes back cancer, its not a conclusive test, because its possible to miss the lump and come back with healthy cells. So, I would still have to come back in 3 months. An added bonus is the lump is tender, and while they can numb the skin, they can't numb the lump itself, so its likely the procedure would have been painful.
I chose to wait and see. I am to keep an eye on it, er... finger? and if there is any change I am to go back, and if it goes away, well I am off the hook... if its still there in three months, but with no change, I'll really get a needle in the boob.
So, with the symptoms and how it feels, its 85% not likely cancer.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Where was I?
but in my defense, I did get a gym membership.
good for 2 years... I'll probably even go.
what else.... oh pretty redheaded boy of whom I have a long standing crush... now my facebook friend. Pretty sure it would never work out... but its important to have someone who sets your heart fluttering a little.
Not usually a fan of redheads myself, I like a little dark and mysterious... but he is smart and has his own opinions.
I still might go to the Zoo today, not sure though... still it could happen. And it better happen soon.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Intiman Theatre Presents A THOUSAND CLOWNS
Hello, here is a little video made by my friend Dennis, with everyone he could find who was involved with A Thousand Clowns!
Another long time no hear from Laura update
Lets see, you know about the mammogram, well as expected, I had to see my doctor, (I saw a different physician in her office before) - she felt the lump, and told me to set up a thing with the surgeon for a needle poking... I am sure there is a technical name for it. Now I am sorry I brought it up, you know... cause the surgeon is going to poke it with a needle... and you would think I would be done. But no, there will be tests, we all know its nothing. An after a phone call and email to me, to confirm its nothing, I might have to go back to my doctor before they can Cut It the Fuck Out!
Don't let me get started on my stupid insurance, because every time I see anyone, its more than $100 bucks out of my pocket, plus tests. ARGH!!!
Anyway... that's what is going on with that.
So, A Thousands Clowns is good, a bunch of work for me, but its shaping up, it is a prop heavy show, and our ASM is as green as grass, and the SM rusty and not very agressive. So, that has not been ideal, but its working itself out. I am going to redo some of my paperwork, because I am not sure what it is, but the preset list is not working for me, and it seems to be incomplete. Its sort of a different thing for me, but I worry mostly because once a week Adam has to do my job, after having been coached a little, but only having run it once while I am there and the rest of the time, only relyiing on paper work, and memory. Good Times
So an unprecedented thing is occuring as I write... I get 3 days off in the middle of the season. we are not doing shows while folklife is going on at Seattle Center... usually this happens because there is some folklife performing in our space, but it isnt. so, 3 day weekend. I am going to the zoo today with my friend Ali and her boyfriend. and I have to tie dye baby clothes for Sabine's new daughter Maia Jesse Wecker. And there is sock wars where I am whoafully behind... and I get to mail it to germany.
I do not think this is the Sock Wars where I will be the supreme warrior.
I think I am behind on the Mystery socks too.. and maybe I will work on that.
I have to go now, to get ready for the Zoo.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
As I am about to go into tech
life is fine, I am trying to perk up, but dread of next week is dragging me down, I am sure I will have plenty to do...
ummm I have nothing much to report other than that... I think my old computer died yesterday... I have to fuck around with it, I fear I might have waited a little too long to get the old files off of it.
Maybe its just a virus.
I actually sent my mother flowers for mothers day. Odd for me, she wont think its her kid.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wishful drinking
and I am still smiling, hilarious. If it comes anywhere near you, you should see it. Its sort of on a tour I think, so you might be in luck.
Its mostly about being a child of a celebrity and being crazy. A little about Star Wars... mostly about the hair... but mostly funny.
I would rate it R for mature themes, and I say that because teenagers would be embarrassed to be there.
Maybe more later, I have to go to bed, I am fairly resigned to going in at 8am tomorrow, I can set my own schedule during load in but, if I go at 8am I might be able to leave early. I feel bad that I want to work as close to 40 hours as I can this week... since Jeanette is working all kinds of time, but I am not really that helpful set wise, and I figure lets save the theatre a little bit of money by me not going into to much overtime. There will be plenty of overtime next week.
Another Day
I must go to Costco and the Library, and possibly Home Depot. It might not sound like much, but it is at least three hours out of the house... this is when I miss a car. When I could get it all done in an hour and a half.
What I want to do is watch movies all day, but I also need to cook food for the next 4 days. or at least sort out the strawberry situation. And eat the blackberries. mmmmmm
I should really clean up a little around here too, I keep saying that, but then the cats sing a siren call of hang out in the bed, hang out in bed. or make a lap, make a lap.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The lump has been getting more and more painful as I have gotten closer to my period. So, that might be a bit of factor in what it is.
Oh, What is it you say? Well, the tricky thing is, if it is nothing, there is nothing to see, but sometimes you can't really see the scary stuff in all healthy stuff, so, that is not conclusive.
The mammogram and ultrasound didn't show anything. So, we are all pretty happy about that - me... health care team.... you know. But there is still a lump. So, if it is still there after my period is over sometime next week, and still is tender then, I have to see someone else, and the words needle aspiration send a chill down my spine. Mostly because ... have I mentioned my boob hurts... A lot.
I need an aspirin.
Monday, May 4, 2009
mystery socks

I joined a knit-a-long on ravely called mystery socks.
The first clue was released May 1st, although you got it early if you ordered the kits from the organizer.
the above is a picture of both available kits with the completed clue #1.
The second clue was to be out Tomorrow, but it came out early.
better start knitting.
The Third clue is out on Friday.
gained time
but I haven't done much productive with this gained time.
I should wash dishes, but I think the most that will be accomplished is I might make it to the post office with something for Sabine, and the two components I need to return to frys.
The grey cat thought we might stay in bed all day, but she was doomed to disappointment. I would love to stay in bed all day too.
more later.
My life so far
Some of it I was reluctant to write about because it might cause alarm.
Well, lets get the alarming stuff out of the way first. About a month ago during a little quiet time with myself, I noticed a lump in my breast. It was a surprise, and in my mind large, well over a centimeter, so, I deliberated a while - called Sabine, my go to girlfriend for all things medical, and she said that if it is tender, its nothing really to worry about. I figured it was probably a cyst and I wouldn't worry about it until after my next period. Hormones effect these things, and I would continue to monitor the situation.
But then I started to feel sick, so, I made an appointment, and went to the doctor. In the end, I had a cold, not even Swine Flu, although honestly the swine flu thing never really occurred to me. But the lump was actually a lump, and now I have a mammogram scheduled for Tuesday.
Now I am 95% confidant that everything is fine, I know that the phrase Non-tender lump is very bad, and mine is tender - my dyslexia is making tender seem like a very odd word right now - but 5% of me, the hypochondriac me, is wondering, is it tender enough... it doesn't like to be poked, but it isnt painful or anything, just ever so slightly annoyed by the poking... I'll be more worried if Tuesday is inconclusive.
So, I am getting over a cold, which is annoying, its all in my nose, which is stuffed up and yucky, plus I am a little tired. Everyone in my last show had it, but of course now is not a good time for it.
Crime and punishment closed this afternoon, and we struck most of the show this evening, I like the new TD more and more, he really didn't interact with the overhire crew but talked to Jeanette, which really was the way to do it, since he is her boss, in a way, she was the crews boss, and it went very smoothly. I am very hopeful that set wise all will go smoothly this week. and in the end the set will work... not that I don't love Wiley, but he doesn't know, and he has bad habits. Enough of that...
This week coming up, is going to be a little bit busy.... tomorrow I have an apprentice class on hanging and focusing lights, for two hours, followed by hanging lights at work for 8 hours, good times... I will get off work at midnight, and I have to be at the doctors office at 830am for a 9am appointment which will take an hour, so I will go to work at 11am and work till 8pm, while the rest will work from 10 to 7, but I can use the last hour to play with the new batteries we are getting for the wireless headsets. I am nominally in charge of the recharging of the batteries for the headsets, and about 4 years ago, they bought some really good batteries, so long ago, that when they started to die, we thought the headsets were going. They still might, but we don't think so. So, since the headsets work fine, if all 6 batteries are good... having 32 new rechargeable batteries and two super kick ass rechargers we should be good... but these rechargers do all sorts of tricks. So I am eager to play with them.
What else... well the sensitive tummy cat, well, we had an episode, which might be one thing (store bought baked chicken) or the other thing (new cat food formula) or both together... but the cat acidopholus seems to have done the trick, but it means she may never get people food again. I know I am not supposed to, but she like white meat chicken and turkey, alot, its adorable. So, I think I might try to find a good treat for her, since she doesn't tolerate wet food well either. I feel so bad for her, because her head and mouth love it all, but not her tummy.
Oh, I am not sure about what the rest of my week is like, except I am going to see Carrie Fisher's show Wishful Drinking on Wednesday night. I might work Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sunday, with almost a real weekend off, but it will depend on what they need. I will have next monday off, then I start technical rehearsals for A Thousand Clowns. Well, since they haven't invented a chip you can insert into your brain to make you learn the show, I guess you have to spend the time to figure it out, and the overtime is nice... but... I will only have the apartment to myself for a little bit more time.
a well.
oh I changed the settings, I am not sure who reads this other than my dad, but I think everyone can leave comments.
sorry I am not more thrilling.
Friday, May 1, 2009
As a Buddhist, I have read that the debate of the existence of god - is irrelevant, it simply doesn't matter to how you live your life, you need to be accountable now for your actions, not later when you are dead.
But I sometimes have no patience for those who seek meaning in things that are meaningless. Like inexplicable things, random cancer for example. I don't believe god singled those people out for suffering.
In an article today in the newspaper about a filmmaker who lost his left hand to cancer, a Rabbi asks - "How is it that people who are good can be challenged ... with terrible circumstances?" The question makes me think of how religions of the world like to say they offer a recipe, or plan to avoid suffering, the implication is those that follow this plan do not suffer. So individual suffering is your fault for improper devotion and the displeasure of your creator - and by some extension, the implication here is other people suffer less than you.
Buddhism teaches that everyone suffers, and has been called a bitter religion because of it. It says the main root of suffering is desire... wanting things, some of these things we can let go, and will be happier. Wanting to have more money, etc. Things. Somethings that we want, we can't let go of, they're practically biological, love and desire for the well being of children, parents.
But this calls to mind a parable, the story of the mustard seed, a woman's child had died, but she could not accept it, and she went from healer to healer, wiseman to wiseman, to find someone who could help her child, and no one could. Finally her search brought her to the Buddha, who told her he could heal her child with a potion made from a mustard seed, but it had to be a mustard seed from a house that had not know death and loss. The woman went from house to house searching - but could not find a single house that had not know the loss of a loved one. When she came back to the Buddha she was ready to let her child go.
I had a different intent when I started this, I will try again tomorrow
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
so, another time then?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Another Day
I have sorted through the yarn in the living room, and made a dent in the recycling, but its not finished yet..
I need to make my bed, fold my clothes and put them away, relocate the new comupter, wash dishes and put the dry ones away, get a return authorization for some computer components, and do a little yoga.
Before I go to work.
I want to be a woman of leisure.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Lets see, my show opened, thats good, Yelena came with 2 other Russians, I thought of them 1st, since its a Russian book.
I confessed I had not read Crime and Punishment, though I did buy it, and might very well read it some day. I am curious now, since a review sort of mentioned that it covers maybe less than a 1/4 of the book. It might be too religious for me though, I know the play's theme is redemption through confession and forgiveness. And they talk about the resurrection of Lazarus... a lot.
Went to dinner with Yelena last Thursday... yummy thai food. At Tup Tim Thai... I even tried something different. I tend to order the same things. It was garlic pork I think... and Yelena had beef salad.
ummmm I got up at ass crack (6am) to work with the scene shop moving some stuff on Friday... I had big plans for what I was going to do during the really long break from noon to 630pm when I had to go back to work to do a show. Yeah.... well I took a nap, and knitted some.
I cleaned the kitchen, hallway and bathroom on Thursday too, but since then I have done no housework. There is so much crap, I am not sure where to start.. and I think I might be lazy.
I ordered a new computer... this one works fine, but at any moment now it could fail. and I would cry... no seriously I would cry! So, I upgraded a little. I got a new computer desk too... I say got, but I ordered them on line, so it might take a tiny bit for them to come.
Unfortunately I left the remaining money of what I had saved for the computer and such in my checking account. So, I have gone a little crazy. The costco thing, well that was food, and now I am good for over a month. But the Yarn, well, Hilltop had a sale, I really only buy sock yarn at yarn stores, since for the amount you need for a sweater is cheaper to buy online, if you don't care that the color is closed out, or the yarn itself. But I let myself buy sock yarn as impulse. I'm too cheap to buy anything more than $20 for enough for a pair... but there was a sale, anyway I got enough for 2 pair, oh, and a book - about socks. The book is not fabulous, but it is interesting, the yarn - one is a blue purple colorway in alpaca and merino - very fuzzy, and the other is a colorway in purple blue and lime green - the green really pops, its in 100% superwash merino. I think the one with the lime green might turn into the Battlestar Galactica socks, maybe.
All this yarn extravagance might have been fine.... if not for the fact that the following day, I bought 2 more, not on sale from the sock brewery... both kits for a Knit a long mysery sock pattern that starts 15 days before sock wars four, one would have been enough to do the knit along... in fact I didn't need to buy yarn at all. I have some already. But the kit comes with beads. Now the question of why two....? well there were 2 options, one a purple/lavender, and one a yellow... the lavender one, a no brainer, its my favorite color... I haven't got any purple socks yet, but that doesn't mean I don't have the yarn to do it. Then I thought, I have alot of purple yarn and I have never even own any all yellow sock yarn, how nice for summer! But I couldn't not buy the purple. Terrible.
My only excuse is, while during this economic downturn, I have a good job that is relatively secure, at least till next January. I am afraid I might not be able to buy yarn in the future.
So even though I have enough to knit for 2 years and not run out... (I think) Not including gift knitting which is not ever my fancy impulse yarn, but yarn purchased with the recipient in mind, and then knit for them in a reasonable amount of time.
well anyway.. I have laundry to get.
1. Overnight mail is not permitted. Any other type of mail by any carrier is permitted as long as it is not overnight delivery. Delivery confirmation is always a good idea.
2. If you receive a pair of death socks, you are required to mail your assassin your SIPs. If you didn’t have a chance to start a pair of socks, you must mail enough sock yarn to make a pair of socks to your assassin, or return their death socks to them. It is simply not acceptable to receive death socks and not send SIPs or sock yarn to your assassin.
3. When you are killed, you must mail your SIPs to your assassin as soon as possible. As soon as possible means no more than 2-3 days and definitely never more than 7 days.
4. Communication is important. On the leaderboard, you will find your name linked into a form. Once a week, you must stop by the leaderboard and click on your name, and click on your status (waiting on SIPs, working on socks, dead, retired, etc.) Periodically, I also email everyone for an update on their status. If I email you and don’t receive a response within 4 days, and you have also not checked in for 2 weeks in a row, you will be marked as retired and out of the game.
5. You are expected to work as diligently as possible on your weapon. Your target should expect their death at any time and live in fear of you. If you are not able to kill your target within a reasonable amount of time, please be kind to them and let them know, along with letting the SC know.
6. If you are killed, please be kind and send along a note with your SIPs to let your assassin know where you left off and which pattern you were using.
7. Any modifications of the pattern must be agreed to by the Supreme Commander. Socks significantly off gauge and socks off pattern will be declared a misfire unless prior permission has been granted.
8. Be kind to your fellow warriors and treat them as you wish to be treated. Everyone knits to the best of their ability, and while smack talk is encouraged, unkindness is not. Violations of this rule will result in disqualification.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Crime and Punishment
It just opened on Friday, and I think its good, it is really hard to tell from the back, the review was positive, though, and the one think she said about it, that was no as claustrophobic as the first production, well, my friends didn't think so.
I have started to recover and get both laundry and cleaning done, though not quickly, I have a fine sense of procrastination, and filling up the time with useless internet and computer games.
I am roommate free for the next month or so, and I have great plans, that involve deep cleaning things, and sorting stuff. I have about 5 bins of fabric, I haven't looked at in well over a year. Some of it can go, or I can just make stuff.
Speaking of making stuff, I need to make a list of stuff I want to make, while I can get the sewing machine out, fix its problem (99% sure its bobbin lint) and make a bunch of stuff. I want to make some towel dish drainer pads? I know sounds both silly and a little smart. Most of my ideas are! I also need to make the sock monkey kitties. I have kits to make 8, and I am sure once I make them, finding them homes will not be too hard. Off the top of my head I can think of 4, Christina, and babies Anne and Ian and the unknown baby in Sabine's belly.
Speaking of gifts for babies, the Baby surprise jacket inspired by monkeys is almost done, I will probably cast off tonight or tomorrow, then a picture here will follow shortly. I want to make a matching soaker (pants), but I want to read all the patterns to find the one I can use with the monkey colors for best effect. But first I have to finish a tail and gauntlets for Carol's daughter's school production of Cats. I was recruited. Maybe I have till the end of May to make baby things for Sabine? - My first thought after that sentence was... girl keep your legs together I am not done knitting! terrible.
oh, Yelena came to the opening night of my show, it had been a while since I had seen her and she looks great. It doesn't matter what you are doing with your life, she always urges you to do something more, or else. Now I have to make art... or something super creative, and I can't say that thoughts of an art class of some sort aren't in my head. And I always have some sort of crazy project in my head... even if it is just the bear skin rug made out of teddy bears!
But part of this, on Yelena's part is she sold one of her photographs, at the Artist Trust Auction, there was furious bidding on it - what a rush that has to be, people competing to buy your very first photograph sold.
We are going out to dinner on Thursday, so, I am sure I will have more to say then.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
we are going to see if this works!
I am on google maps.
Just keep zooming in at 196 mercer st.
Or you can probably search for 196 Mercer St, Seattle, WA, United States on google maps.
oops, never mind, it doesn't work... I will investigate.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A Picture Post







sorry it has been so long, first there was no internet, then there was internet but no will.
Oh and the time before that, no camera...
I just have a short update... I hope to do better later today or tomorrow!
Been working at the new job, its been fine, they gave me keys!
finished my sloppy sweat shirt sweater. I'll try to get someone to take a good photo of me in it, its possible to make me look like the fattest person in it, but really, just my boobs.
I am done with one DNA sock, and have started the other. I need to figure out this figure eight cast on of toe up socks, cuase the way I have been doing it is ridiculous. I did it before with different instructions, and it wasn't this hard. anyway, I am just about to start the heel on sock two. I'll try to take a picture that really shows the cool part of the pattern.
I am going to finish two half done pairs of socks for the April and May socks (in the one pair a month project) I have some tiger stripe yarn I dyed myself, and the army socks from the replica red cross pattern and yarn... I actually finished these socks, but when the second sock was done, I had lost the first ... and I have looked everywhere. I should just have enough yarn, I hope.... maybe I will order another kit to make sure.
I will be in the middle of tech when Sock Wars starts this year, I am still doing it, but I fully expect to die, hopefully with my semi respectable 2 kills per war record... I think I would get really bored if I have to knit 12 pairs like last years winner. still.
Okay, I am starving, and must eat breakfast and run off on my errands.
Today I need to go to the library, office depot, old navy, barnes and noble, the bank, then wash 2 loads of laundry, clean the living room and get my crap together for work next week. Oh yeah, I have to take out both the trash and recyling... I have found if I track down every scrap of trash and recycling I can find, I might not have to worry too much during the week.
Friday, March 6, 2009
My First Week
I think this job will go fine, they gave me keys and a work email, so its official. The first show looks easy, so its possible that I wont hate it right away.
I have to spend time trying to figure out why my internet is broken, I have a few ideas of what to try, and I might bug Sabine's husband. He does that sort of thing. Last time I had a problem, he confirmed that I was doing the right things, and that was very helpful.
ummmm, lets see, before I go home, umm... I will finish my sweater by monday! and the DNA socks should be done shortly after that. I have to fix my uncle's sock that I made him, and I think I know why his socks were too small. Its the whole gauge thing.
I got paid already for the Head Carpenter thing, it was nice. I should do it more often, if only for the money. I felt weird being the Junior person, with a senior crew, but it wont always be that way. Everyone I have talked to says its a bit of a mystery as to how people get chosen, I like to solve mysteries, but maybe I should let it go.
Tata for now.
Have a good weekend
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A week without internet!
I can check my union email, which is set up through outlook, so, it can connect, maybe not enough to make a website come up though?
The ISP guy thinks it might be my cable, my usb cable.... I wonder how to check that without buying a new one?
My Plan, is to build a new desktop, and get a good cheap laptop, but not until after the tech week check for my first show this season.... I don't make a million dollars, I would be very sad to have to buy computer things before I upgrade the computer... especially something as silly as a modem to computer USB, when my next computer will have an ethernet connection or something else. Boo
Anyway, I was apprehensive about this job a little, but... it seems all I needed to make this feel like the best decision ever is for them to give me keys.
I say again WooHoo keys.. I also get to do the things I think are important, well I do have to work and all but, I am my own boss to some degree, so, I can finish mopping the back hallway... tomorrow, I say mopping, but really, I am scrubbing the corners and fighting the glued down with water dust layer almost everywhere... no one expects a theatre to be spotless... but an effort can be made.
So, speaking of my new job... I am checking my email, and updating this blog from my work account. I also have a work email too... but I haven't figured out how to get on it... I guess I get to see the IT guy tomorrow.... after the meeting and before the mopping?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Day 10
really tired of this sickness bullshit.
But oh well.
I went to an executive board meeting for my union as a guest. I have decided I would rather not ever serve on that board. the Meetings are 5 hours long... eek. I only had to be there for 2 hours or a little less, until the 1st parking meter break. And the reports I had heard from a friend last month were correct, just like a general meeting. Some of the contract information was interesting, and hearing about something being investigated and a rule being changed were good gossip fodder I am not allowed to spread. But mostly a little bit of this, a little bit of that.
There was some confusion about a class I am supposed to take, I got an email, oh, weeks ago about a class on the 26th, but with no day attached, so, I wrote it down on the 26th (Thursday) but I will admit I wonder a tiny bit, as there is a convention around that time, and the teacher for that class is the sort to take all of those calls unless he absolutely can't, but I figured he might know the schedule more that me. In the end though, he meant it to mean today at 2pm, I wasn't sure I could make it, on account of the E-board meeting, and I am guessing a great many people also thought it was this Thursday, since it has now been rescheduled for next Monday. This is very good news, since the class is at the theater I will be working at that day, so, I think I might get double hours, and get paid.
To explain the double hours thing, well, our union organizes seniority by your qualification date (date you finished your 1st 100 hours) and how many hours you work in the last year. Broken up by lists, its complicated so I wont go into that part. But hours spent in apprentice classes count toward work hours, since they don't want you to be too penalized for taking a class instead of work. And work hours count as work hours because... well you get the picture. Since the class is at the Intiman, taught by a co-worker, and I have to be there from 8am to 5pm, plus I have to put in a 40 hour week next week, and I am not going to come in on the weekend to make up for the class. What I would be doing at work is essentially the same as the class (lighting maintenance). I am sure you understand.
I have somethings I want to get done today, so, off I go...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Day 9
I have received my new yarn and I have finished the Back of the sweater, and started on the front.
Its so snuggly and soft, I love it, now I have to save up to make a blanket. well, maybe I will finish the other 3 sweaters I have yarn for and have planned... Ravelry is the the best/worst invention ever, imagine getting to search through pictures of millions of patterns, completed by regular people like me!!!
I certainly do babble.
I have some work coming up, a gig at the westin (some convention) (Tuesday and Saturday) and Thomas the Tank engine at Key arena... (Friday and Sunday) I also have an executive board meeting to observe for my apprenticeship (quality knitting time) on Monday, and on Thursday I have a class on lighting maintenance (which I pretty much know anyway). So, I will definitely get out of the house this week.
I also plan to go with my friend Ali to check out stuff at Fryes electronics on Wednesday.
In a way I am sad this next week is busy, its my last official week off before I start at the Intiman, and I wont be free again till the end of December, though there is talk of a week off in August, or September if something or other does not get extended. There are some things I hope I will be able to contrive to do, but all of them seem unlikely. But I would like to go to the Women of Local Fifteen camping trip, Summer Bash in California, and my dad said something about 4th of July in California. Its unlikely I will have more than a few days off here and there, so depending on the schedule (that I don't know) all three of these might be impossible.
Maybe next year.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Day 7
My yarn came today, I love it, its less green than I though, more greys and some yellow and blue thrown in, but muted. perfect for a sweater.I have to wind some of it up so I can get started.
I am really close to the end of my first march sock... but, once I do a swatch with the new yarn I will finish the sock... maybe.
I watched North and South (not the civil war drama of the early 80s, but the BBC masterpiece theater English drama, and I now have decided Richard Armitage is hotter than Colin Firth. At least in this one he is, but there is no wet shirt scene. Hmmm, maybe I will have to rewatch Pride and prejudice again, to make sure? Ah.. chick drama...
what else... went to costco, and have begun pricing external harddrives... its the first part of getting a new computer, I know for sure I should have at least 500 gigs, since my ultimate goal is to have the itunes library entirely on the external harddrive. You see, I have a 120g ipod, and my roommate has an 180g ipod, so, if we ever want to even think about filling them we should have a separate thing... I think my plan of action will be to back itunes up on to the external then when I get the new computer not transfer it back, just leave it ... Anyway, it will involve learning more about computery stuff....
speaking of ipods, I also found a cool ipod stereo which you can plug into your tv, so you can play your ipod video on your tv. I have been looking for something like that lately, so if was good to know it is available.
Ali (my shopping friend) and I are next going to go to fryes and see what they have in those two objects to do a little price checking. Its a bit risky waiting on anything available at costco, since, you never know if it will still be around. But then again, checking out fryes, is a good way to find out what might be at costco in about 6 months.
well, enough blather.. I have yarn to wind, and stuff to knit.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Day 6
I slept through the night, at least 8 hours, the first time in a week.
For that I am extremely thankful.
I haven't got much else to yammer about... I had thought on a Wednesday I could chat about Lost, but freakishly, this last episode was very straight forward.
My roommate and I got behind last year with Lost, but with the help of the library and itunes, we are good to keep up on television now... I should program the VCR for the rest of the season, so I don't miss out when I start running shows.
Is Lost in its last year this year, or next year?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Day 5
Found out the old assistant tech director is gonna be the new prop master, so that will be good, I like him and he is smart. And mellow. so thats good.
I should really be getting my yarn tomorrow or Friday at the latest, Friday will be day 7 of the cold, so, the yarn cure wont work, and even if it comes tomorrow, the results would be inconclusive. I will have to save it for another cold... or sleep day and night in my new sweater next time I get sick.
The only other thing that happened today was Pat and I watched Into the Wild.
Now, I have hippy tendencies, I don't believe patchouli should replace soap, but I have thought about living off the land somewhere... but, having lived a little in pseudo country, and raising both chickens and rabbits for food, and tending a vegetable or two in a garden plot, I know it takes planning, you need to know some stuff. And its work.
This poor kid, I don't know what was going through his head, but he certainly thought if you got out into nature, it would all work out in some kind of harmony, he did have a book on edible plants but what he needed was a survivors guide... And his goal was, what to get away from society? To change society? He should have joined the peace corps or a commune. I don't get it. Plus I thought the narration was a little pretentious, now, it is possible that I think pretension is an early twenties malady only cured by time, but...
maybe I just don't get it, the point of this movie, is this boy supposed to be a hero, a tragic victim to the cruel misunderstanding of his parents, I mean he died - from eating something that looked like something edible, but was really its inedible cousin. But before that his entire Alaskan Wilderness experience was mistake after mistake.
I don't know it seemed like the movie was trying to glorify selfish stupidity, perhaps it was meant as a cautionary tale, but it seemed like a eulogy for bad ideas.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Day 4
I finished the February socks, camera is still MIA, not that I have looked for it at all, I suspect in might be in the couch cushions. I have started on the March socks, these are an actual pattern, called the Biological Clock, but I like DNA socks better. I couldn't find a picture on the interweb.
I wish my new yarn was here, its making me sad... it hasn't been that long since I ordered it, but, they are only in West Seattle, they could have driven it over... maybe I should call and tell them I am sick and rolling around on Merino/silk/angora will give me a new lease on life.
I also ordered some sock kitty kits, don't ask me why, I am still not sure, but I think they might make good gifts...
well, I have run out of steam, must go back to my bed, and watch House on DVD and knit.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sick Day
Last week I am pretty sure I got a little food poisoning, although it could have been a 24 hour stomach flu thing, both are likely, I have bad Safeway Chinese food, monday afternoon, and ummm, lost it all later, then felt like crap for 3 days, and started to feel better Thursday, on Saturday I had a stuffed up nose and was beginning to feel run down, I had that beginning of a cold feeling. I like the zyban stuff, so I have been trying to recognize cold symptoms early, but it also means it is harder to live in denial about your cold this way, so its day 3, of sickness number 2, and I probably have at least 2 more days, thats if the zyban does work and shortens the duration of this bastard.
On another note entirely, I am almost done with February's socks, and I plan to move on the March's socks and work on them until my new yarn comes. You see, I am going to make a sweatshirt/sweater, I am very excited, and I want to make sure its done, before I start my new job, or before I start tech at my new job. New Job starts March 2, Load in starts March 16th, and tech for the first show starts March 26th.
Yes thats right, I got the job at the Intiman, I am happy, pleased, vindicated, nervous, and excited. oh yeah, I am also dreading Black Nativity. I have some ideas of things to do at the intiman, some things may not be possible, others will be though, we will see, I have my usual insecurities about my worth, but the worst that can happen is they fire me, and I would be okay. Sad, but okay. No, no, it will be fine.
Oh Back to knitting!!! I signed up for Sock Wars 4 http://www.sockwars.org/ . It is the new regime, so I feel good about it, the original commander had issues and there was a coupe, and I was glad to see it was still in effect. I doubt I will win, you have to be both fast and lucky, and I have neither the last two times, but I got socks out of the deal, so, really what more can you ask for...
I still need to post some pictures of the Jaunary and February socks, but the camera is MIA at present, so you will have to wait
Happy Valentines Day a tad bit late, Love ya!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Little fragments whose origin I cannot remember...
In a way, I spend quite a bit of time searching them out.
A scene passes through my mind of two little girls learning a part in a play, and one turns her back to the audience and is chided not to do it until she can learn to act with her back. I can't remember much more than that about it, but I search for it. Almost a hopeless task, but I was hopeful that I had found the movie in The Ballet Shoes, and really I am not sure that I am wrong.
I just watched a version that had a very similar scene to the one I just mentioned, but it wasn't quite right. Now I am off to search imdb to see if there is an earlier version. I know there is a later version, but it would be too recent for it to be just a fragment.
I was like this for a long time about a horror movie I had watched as a child, all I knew was there was a girl and her boyfriend who visited the home a crypt of a witch who looked just like the girl, and the witch came back to life by draining the girl of blood through her finger tips. My friend Brian helped me identify it. It's Maschera del demonio, La (1960),
or Black Sunday.
Well, imdb, says its either that version or not that movie, but it does tell me, it was shown in 6 parts on television, so, maybe I just watched a tiny bit of one episode, back in '75.
Now if I could only find the name of the childrens book where the boy becomes a cat for a while.