Thursday, October 22, 2009

Abe Lincoln is up, and life is calmer

So, Abe is open, and its pretty good.

I think a sickness is about to sweep the cast though. Hannah one of the children in the cast threw up in the wings yesterday, and today another actor is out with a fever. I feel sniffly

um.. I just made a huge dinner... steak, mac and blue cheese, and veggies... I might pop.

what else... I have started on some christmas mittens, of my own design... to be honest, I am not happy with them at the moment. I am doing mittens for myself first, and I screwed up a little by not understanding how a mitten works... I have to be optimistic though... I have so much knitting to do... hmmmm anyway.

I am going to change out the laundry, and maybe clean a bit.

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