Monday, November 16, 2009

Look at that I posted last week.

I meant to post a video from youtube here, but I don't know what happened.

do yourself a favor... look up twillionth on youtube. pretty funny.

the week went the same as all the weeks before... I guess.

Roommate doesn't think he is going home for Christmas... whatever.

My cat alice cries all the time when I am home and she needs to be near me, its sweet and a little annoying.

My show closes this week, on Thursday, and I am both excited and dreading it, dreading it because I am not sure how long before Black Nativity drives me insane, and I want to die, and excited because I am a little tired of this really long play we are doing.

So, news, Sheila Daniels, an associate director is quitting to do what she actually loves to do, direct instead of administration and schmoozing... Yeah! Julia Collins is being promoted to something similar to general manager while Rebecca has her baby, and to a real title of her own when Rebecca comes back. So if you know anyone who wants to be production manager of the Intiman, now is their chance.

ummmmm I ordered an Oreck vacuum cleaner... I was going to pay cash for the whole thing, but in the end, I didn't feel I could swing it... so, I am paying payments, its not too bad, no interest and I will be done next year. It will let me be able to do other things... like change the cat box system... long story that might be too much information. I am also going to get some silk long johns from Dharma Trading company, and dye them for myself. a gift to me.

What haven't I done, uploaded the camera software into the new computer. or cleaned this fucking apartment.

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