Tuesday, May 5, 2009


so, I have my first ever mammogram, and I recommend not going while having a little PMS, and an angry lump. They sort of have to squish your boob exactly where it hurts to see if they can see something. My appointment was at 9 this morning and my boob still hurts. A lot.

The lump has been getting more and more painful as I have gotten closer to my period. So, that might be a bit of factor in what it is.

Oh, What is it you say? Well, the tricky thing is, if it is nothing, there is nothing to see, but sometimes you can't really see the scary stuff in all healthy stuff, so, that is not conclusive.

The mammogram and ultrasound didn't show anything. So, we are all pretty happy about that - me... health care team.... you know. But there is still a lump. So, if it is still there after my period is over sometime next week, and still is tender then, I have to see someone else, and the words needle aspiration send a chill down my spine. Mostly because ... have I mentioned my boob hurts... A lot.

I need an aspirin.

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