Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Picture Post

Snow, a view from my window

Beautiful blue skies shining on snow covered roofs
This is from today - its the view from the 7th floor window of our fancy library.

If you squint, you can kind of see the double helix cable, well at least the color on these photos is the actual color.

When the above sock was just beginning, it is sort of close to where its mate is right about now.
Ah, what I have been doing lately, here we have 3 pipes, in various states of being filled with lights. I think at this stage, we are just running the power cables and securing them so everything looks pretty.
This picture is very blurry!

Ode to the genie lift!
Look! A pile of tools, I should clean up!
That's Dave the Master Electrician, and in the background is the very colorful flyrail, there is no reason, someone just did it way back when they installed it.
Blurry cables!
An almost empty stage!

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