Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 9

I am still sick, this sucks, I am definitely better, but still sniffly and my ear (I know, crazy), my ear is stuffed up.

I have received my new yarn and I have finished the Back of the sweater, and started on the front.
Its so snuggly and soft, I love it, now I have to save up to make a blanket. well, maybe I will finish the other 3 sweaters I have yarn for and have planned... Ravelry is the the best/worst invention ever, imagine getting to search through pictures of millions of patterns, completed by regular people like me!!!

I certainly do babble.

I have some work coming up, a gig at the westin (some convention) (Tuesday and Saturday) and Thomas the Tank engine at Key arena... (Friday and Sunday) I also have an executive board meeting to observe for my apprenticeship (quality knitting time) on Monday, and on Thursday I have a class on lighting maintenance (which I pretty much know anyway). So, I will definitely get out of the house this week.

I also plan to go with my friend Ali to check out stuff at Fryes electronics on Wednesday.

In a way I am sad this next week is busy, its my last official week off before I start at the Intiman, and I wont be free again till the end of December, though there is talk of a week off in August, or September if something or other does not get extended. There are some things I hope I will be able to contrive to do, but all of them seem unlikely. But I would like to go to the Women of Local Fifteen camping trip, Summer Bash in California, and my dad said something about 4th of July in California. Its unlikely I will have more than a few days off here and there, so depending on the schedule (that I don't know) all three of these might be impossible.

Maybe next year.

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