Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 4

so, its day four of the sickness, and the drugs made me very dehydrated, so, I am currently cold medicine free, so, I am stuffy, and runny and coughy...

I finished the February socks, camera is still MIA, not that I have looked for it at all, I suspect in might be in the couch cushions. I have started on the March socks, these are an actual pattern, called the Biological Clock, but I like DNA socks better. I couldn't find a picture on the interweb.

I wish my new yarn was here, its making me sad... it hasn't been that long since I ordered it, but, they are only in West Seattle, they could have driven it over... maybe I should call and tell them I am sick and rolling around on Merino/silk/angora will give me a new lease on life.

I also ordered some sock kitty kits, don't ask me why, I am still not sure, but I think they might make good gifts...

well, I have run out of steam, must go back to my bed, and watch House on DVD and knit.

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