Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another Day

Well, today might be my only day off until Monday - so, I have out of the house errands to do... been avoiding many of them but I can't any longer.

I must go to Costco and the Library, and possibly Home Depot. It might not sound like much, but it is at least three hours out of the house... this is when I miss a car. When I could get it all done in an hour and a half.

What I want to do is watch movies all day, but I also need to cook food for the next 4 days. or at least sort out the strawberry situation. And eat the blackberries. mmmmmm

I should really clean up a little around here too, I keep saying that, but then the cats sing a siren call of hang out in the bed, hang out in bed. or make a lap, make a lap.

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