Monday, February 9, 2009


I find that tiny bits of movies float around in there, giving me grief.
Little fragments whose origin I cannot remember...
In a way, I spend quite a bit of time searching them out.
A scene passes through my mind of two little girls learning a part in a play, and one turns her back to the audience and is chided not to do it until she can learn to act with her back. I can't remember much more than that about it, but I search for it. Almost a hopeless task, but I was hopeful that I had found the movie in The Ballet Shoes, and really I am not sure that I am wrong.
I just watched a version that had a very similar scene to the one I just mentioned, but it wasn't quite right. Now I am off to search imdb to see if there is an earlier version. I know there is a later version, but it would be too recent for it to be just a fragment.
I was like this for a long time about a horror movie I had watched as a child, all I knew was there was a girl and her boyfriend who visited the home a crypt of a witch who looked just like the girl, and the witch came back to life by draining the girl of blood through her finger tips. My friend Brian helped me identify it. It's Maschera del demonio, La (1960),
or Black Sunday.
Well, imdb, says its either that version or not that movie, but it does tell me, it was shown in 6 parts on television, so, maybe I just watched a tiny bit of one episode, back in '75.

Now if I could only find the name of the childrens book where the boy becomes a cat for a while.

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