Friday, May 29, 2009

Boobie Bump Update

Well, I saw the surgeon about the lump yesterday.

There was poking... it didn't like it.

And we talked about options.

Which are, schedule a lumpectomy, do a needle biopsy, or wait and observe it for 3 months.

The lumpectomy is a bit extreme, it would be the only conclusive way to know if it is not the Big C, but since it is most likely not the Big C, it will probably resolve itself.

Needle Biopsy, unless it comes back cancer, its not a conclusive test, because its possible to miss the lump and come back with healthy cells. So, I would still have to come back in 3 months. An added bonus is the lump is tender, and while they can numb the skin, they can't numb the lump itself, so its likely the procedure would have been painful.

I chose to wait and see. I am to keep an eye on it, er... finger? and if there is any change I am to go back, and if it goes away, well I am off the hook... if its still there in three months, but with no change, I'll really get a needle in the boob.


So, with the symptoms and how it feels, its 85% not likely cancer.

1 comment:

Tanya said...


I had a lump about a year ago (actually, pretty much *exactly* a year ago). I went through the mammogram, the ultrasound, the fine needle aspiration (aka 'sticking a needle in your boob') and the joys of paying through the nose in spite of having 'health care'. Oh, not to mention the freaking out, albeit the fairly low key kind. I wasn't ready to give away my CD collection just yet.

Anyway, the lump wasn't sore or hard, but sort of squishy and moveable and all and sundry told me it was probably nothing, but we should run this test anyways, etc. The breast specialist (a Chinese women wearing the shortest skirt and the highest heels I've ever seen on a doctor) told me that if you feel something hard, like a pebble, you're more likely to have something to worry about.

After the fine needle aspiration (which hardly hurt, sort of like an insect sting, maybe - but then again it wasn't a tender spot to begin with), I was told to come back in three months. Three being the magic number, after all!

Anyways, after days of obsessive feeling myself up to see if the lump was still there or had grown larger, one day I realized I hadn't checked for a while and when I did *poof* it had vanished into thin air. I'm still paying off the last lab bill, but I'd do it all again. Though probably with less urgency and freaking out.

I don't know if this helped you at all, but I wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you and your boobie.
