Friday, November 6, 2009

New app for fancy shiny phone

So. I got this aplication for the phone to update the blog? So, this is really just a test. I don't know how up for typing a long Post I will be if it is all with one finger? I am getting pretty fast, but all the same.

Technology is very tricky and frightening at the same time, they say by 2020 or sooner they will have computers as fast or faster than the human brain.

Oh I did have something of general interest to share, arosol pancakes... Pancake batter in a whipcream can... Not so delicious. You might be tempted, because pancakes are good. I feel bad not recommending them because they are organic and corn free.

I had an issue with the roommate, and I got very mad, rightfully so maybe, but I was just going to let it stew. He hadn't realized how disrespectful his actions would seem to me, and he was very sorry. So I think I grew a little by not letting it fester. I like to believe I am being the better person by not saying anything, but he was really unaware of who hurt I was.

I knit a baby kimono for Rebecca at work, her baby is due in the very begining of December.

I am in love with the idea of a staycation after the Intiman season is over. In an ideal world I could go on a vacation. Or better yet, spend a month and see everyone I miss in california, family I haven't seen in 20 years. I would love to meet Maia, Sabine and Mike's daughter. Ideally I could spend a week with everyone. I can't afford it though, time wise or moneywise, possibly even sanity wise. Plus the roommate will be out of town until the 10th of January and I will not waste that time. Sorry.

So I am going to have a spa retreat at home. Except for the tanning. I will have to go out for that. The details I am suddenly reluctant to disclose.

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