Friday, March 6, 2009

My First Week

This week has been not too bad.

I think this job will go fine, they gave me keys and a work email, so its official. The first show looks easy, so its possible that I wont hate it right away.

I have to spend time trying to figure out why my internet is broken, I have a few ideas of what to try, and I might bug Sabine's husband. He does that sort of thing. Last time I had a problem, he confirmed that I was doing the right things, and that was very helpful.

ummmm, lets see, before I go home, umm... I will finish my sweater by monday! and the DNA socks should be done shortly after that. I have to fix my uncle's sock that I made him, and I think I know why his socks were too small. Its the whole gauge thing.

I got paid already for the Head Carpenter thing, it was nice. I should do it more often, if only for the money. I felt weird being the Junior person, with a senior crew, but it wont always be that way. Everyone I have talked to says its a bit of a mystery as to how people get chosen, I like to solve mysteries, but maybe I should let it go.

Tata for now.
Have a good weekend

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