Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 7

so, still sick but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

My yarn came today, I love it, its less green than I though, more greys and some yellow and blue thrown in, but muted. perfect for a sweater.I have to wind some of it up so I can get started.
I am really close to the end of my first march sock... but, once I do a swatch with the new yarn I will finish the sock... maybe.

I watched North and South (not the civil war drama of the early 80s, but the BBC masterpiece theater English drama, and I now have decided Richard Armitage is hotter than Colin Firth. At least in this one he is, but there is no wet shirt scene. Hmmm, maybe I will have to rewatch Pride and prejudice again, to make sure? Ah.. chick drama...

what else... went to costco, and have begun pricing external harddrives... its the first part of getting a new computer, I know for sure I should have at least 500 gigs, since my ultimate goal is to have the itunes library entirely on the external harddrive. You see, I have a 120g ipod, and my roommate has an 180g ipod, so, if we ever want to even think about filling them we should have a separate thing... I think my plan of action will be to back itunes up on to the external then when I get the new computer not transfer it back, just leave it ... Anyway, it will involve learning more about computery stuff....

speaking of ipods, I also found a cool ipod stereo which you can plug into your tv, so you can play your ipod video on your tv. I have been looking for something like that lately, so if was good to know it is available.

Ali (my shopping friend) and I are next going to go to fryes and see what they have in those two objects to do a little price checking. Its a bit risky waiting on anything available at costco, since, you never know if it will still be around. But then again, checking out fryes, is a good way to find out what might be at costco in about 6 months.

well, enough blather.. I have yarn to wind, and stuff to knit.

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