Monday, February 16, 2009

Sick Day

I am sick, it sucks, its week 2 of sick in a way, but in another way only day 3, have I confused you, maybe its the drugs.

Last week I am pretty sure I got a little food poisoning, although it could have been a 24 hour stomach flu thing, both are likely, I have bad Safeway Chinese food, monday afternoon, and ummm, lost it all later, then felt like crap for 3 days, and started to feel better Thursday, on Saturday I had a stuffed up nose and was beginning to feel run down, I had that beginning of a cold feeling. I like the zyban stuff, so I have been trying to recognize cold symptoms early, but it also means it is harder to live in denial about your cold this way, so its day 3, of sickness number 2, and I probably have at least 2 more days, thats if the zyban does work and shortens the duration of this bastard.

On another note entirely, I am almost done with February's socks, and I plan to move on the March's socks and work on them until my new yarn comes. You see, I am going to make a sweatshirt/sweater, I am very excited, and I want to make sure its done, before I start my new job, or before I start tech at my new job. New Job starts March 2, Load in starts March 16th, and tech for the first show starts March 26th.

Yes thats right, I got the job at the Intiman, I am happy, pleased, vindicated, nervous, and excited. oh yeah, I am also dreading Black Nativity. I have some ideas of things to do at the intiman, some things may not be possible, others will be though, we will see, I have my usual insecurities about my worth, but the worst that can happen is they fire me, and I would be okay. Sad, but okay. No, no, it will be fine.

Oh Back to knitting!!! I signed up for Sock Wars 4 . It is the new regime, so I feel good about it, the original commander had issues and there was a coupe, and I was glad to see it was still in effect. I doubt I will win, you have to be both fast and lucky, and I have neither the last two times, but I got socks out of the deal, so, really what more can you ask for...

I still need to post some pictures of the Jaunary and February socks, but the camera is MIA at present, so you will have to wait

Happy Valentines Day a tad bit late, Love ya!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ohhh, tell me more about the job at the Intiman! That sounds exciting, I'm happy for you :) You really shouldn't feel insecure about it, you've taken loads of classes/workshops to further your knowledge, and have worked in the field for years and years now! And, you're FABULOUS don't let anybody make you feel different, I'll smack them in the head!

Sorry about your feeling sick; sounds like you had food poisoning and the the flu got you because you were already weakened :(

I've been feeling "almost sick" for 2 weeks now, it's very strange, like the whole time my immune system is fighting it and always on the edge between winning and losing. I almost wish I'd really come down with it for 2-3 days and be done with it :/