Monday, November 9, 2009

Another Week of my life

so, another week is gone, I guess...

I have a day off tomorrow, which is nice, I have a class in the evening though.

The class might be fun, its surfaces and consumables. there is a class the next day too, but I can't take it, since I will be working... which is weapons I think... great huh... its the one I really wanted to take, and maybe don't already know.

Oh well...

So, plans for the coming week.

we have 2 shows on Wednesday, so they are organizing a pot luck between shows, which should be good. I am making Kim's homemade Tofurkey. It is better I think than store bought. and there are vegetarians in the cast and crew.

I need to write out my current recipe for Aloo Gobi (curry potatoes and cauliflower), and Pat found a recipe for apple pumpkin pie. The recipe itself sounds disgusting... well, that's not fair... it uses apple pie fillling from a can and karo syrup, but I think it was their coupons it was pushing... so... I think I will make the Joy of cooking basic apple pie, and joy of cooking basic pumpkin pie and split the recipes and make one pie. The idea is very intriguing.

thats the cooking out of the way... I guess...
we are making decisions about Thanksgiving now though... unfortunately I only have Thanksgiving day off, surrounded by long days... not sure...

I am sure it will be great.

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