Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wishful drinking

I just got back from Carrie Fisher's Wishful Drinking at the Seattle Rep.

and I am still smiling, hilarious. If it comes anywhere near you, you should see it. Its sort of on a tour I think, so you might be in luck.

Its mostly about being a child of a celebrity and being crazy. A little about Star Wars... mostly about the hair... but mostly funny.

I would rate it R for mature themes, and I say that because teenagers would be embarrassed to be there.

Maybe more later, I have to go to bed, I am fairly resigned to going in at 8am tomorrow, I can set my own schedule during load in but, if I go at 8am I might be able to leave early. I feel bad that I want to work as close to 40 hours as I can this week... since Jeanette is working all kinds of time, but I am not really that helpful set wise, and I figure lets save the theatre a little bit of money by me not going into to much overtime. There will be plenty of overtime next week.

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