Monday, December 14, 2009

I am a little bit of a failure.

so, its possible I will get none of my knitting goals done before Christmas, sorry Dad.

But they will follow shortly.

I am not sure what is wrong with me, but it might be that I am not used to this schedule.. sort of split days and in the evening, also having a portable computer/iphone has not helped.

I think in my head I thought more time would free itself up. As I look at two more days off before christmas, not counting Xmas eve. and I need to give up my delusions...

With one of four socks almost done... I need to concentrate on the mittens which I have to design. Then knit. and a hat for a friend in exchange for a cake. the hat should be nothing...

I still have my housewifely duties to perform... which I hope to work on tonight. but there is no joy in it.

I am a little mad at christmas. why can't you happen in February... when I might have time.

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