Tuesday, January 28, 2014

typing while at work

At this very moment, I am working a corporate gig, for a software developer.

I am the head electrician, its not as highly knowledgeable as you might think, mostly each lecture room has two theatrical lighting instruments, each on a tripod, with a rheostat plugged into its dedicated power. Each room also has at least 4 microphones, a projector, various things to connect each computer etc, to the sound system and video, and a wide variety of these can interact and cause a hum, which can be picked up by the separate recording company. So, aside from the small variety of things that can go wrong with the actual lights, lamp burn outs, and being unplugged, but my real use is to be part of figuring out where the buzz/hum is coming from, it seems to so far never be just lighting's fault. But its ok, they pay me to do it.

What is cool, is I can work on my lap top for the next few days, maybe write a play or something. Get the Outreach stuff taken care of, maybe play a game?

and here is a little picture.

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