Monday, January 13, 2014

a less bitter post?

a brief note on yesterday...

My thought today, and I could be wrong, is men often get a pass for wasting a woman's time, with the whole, don't call him, blah, blah, blah.

And I think thats what makes me crazy. I mean, extra crazy. Bean, get your voice out of my Head!

Where I don't feel like I can blurt out, What are you looking for! Maybe because I live in passive aggressive land, or maybe its our culture.

I also have been left with a bad taste in my mouth from an ex boyfriend who for more than 3 months, wasted my time, and I was supposed to play his game....

I was going for less bitter.

I just need to be more blunt, and ask.  Isn't that what being a more mature woman is supposed to let me do.

I had a few thoughts on my novel I started for NaNoWriMo, I think I am going to disregard the "Rules" next November and continue what I started, I might throw out the tiny bit I've written, but... its not the novel's fault for the whole month of November to be co-opted for another persons dream.

Speaking of novels, I am really hoping to read more this year... I had thought I was reading an average of a book a week, but I was not. I might try to be ahead of the game and not read in November, just stare a lot at the screen. I guess I should write those plays....

But anyway, I have been reading Laini Taylor books lately. and she is awesome.

Was there a point to this?

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