Thursday, January 9, 2014

getting better

This post might be a long one.


Anyway, last night my dad was moved from the regular hospital and into a convalescent hospital, which means his dependence on oxygen is reduced, and the "out going" tubes have been removed, my sister informed me, he is pretty happy to be moving forward. Which is awesome!

I successfully paid bills from my father's checking account, and I now have access to all the money. muahaha, though the responsibility is weighing me down. I need to also start signing him up for medi-cal and Kaiser, and looking into other supplemental insurance.

Another thing I will have to deal with is his living will, at one point, we (my older sisters and I ) thought we were being called to witness my dad being removed from machines that were keeping him alive. Yikes!

But he was on the mend when we arrived, but looking at much of the prewritten living will bullshit, and you realize its been written with the idea that you have had a massive stroke, or unrecoverable heart attack, and yes, if im not going to wake up, pull the plug, if I'm not going to be me, but if you are super sick, and they aren't sure whats happening, hook me up! Can I write that on the living will.  I used to think I was not interested in all the things that keep you alive, if you can't, and now I think... use all the things!

So, on to other things. Did I talk about the drunk guy who liked me on new years eve, I think I did, anyway, I friended him on the facebook, not sure why, but I am hoping he is interesting when he isn't drunk? It just now occurred to me, that my drunk admirers could have beer goggles on, wow, that brought the mood down for a second.  But I am going to assume its because I am too intimidating to approach sober.

But, 2014, might be my year for romance, since someone I know from work, who sometimes chats with me late at night on facebook, well, I let that go on for a bit, on my birthday, and he is at least interested in a little hot chat... is that just sexting now? anyway, its flattering, and I would be willing to go there.  He doesn't appear to be aware I am down a boob, and I am not quite sure how to let that slip in conversation, so he can make an informed decision, hmmm. I did have an odd dream about him though... we were canoodling on his couch, and I got up to use the restroom, which was huge and had three bath tubs, when I returned, we were interrupted by his roommate, Chandler Briggs. Wacky.

One last thing, I saw the opera Rigoletto last night, and it was pretty great, Rigoletto is the servant of this powerful duke, who with the help of Rigoletto uses his power for debauchery. At a carnival party as Rigoletto and the duke, and the dukes men are conniving to separate a countess from her count, for naughty business, a gentleman arrives and accuses the duke of shaming his daughter, and he curses the duke and Rigoletto. After the party, Rigoletto returns to a house in town, to visit his fresh from the convent daughter, and to tell her to not let anyone see her, but he doesn't say why (the curse). Then he leaves, (he is observed leaving by a few of the Dukes men, and after he leaves, the handsome man the daughter has met at church, comes and woos her... (its the Duke). The Duke leaves, and later the dukes men decide to kidnap not the countess, but Rigoletto's "mistress", they are interrupted by Rigoletto, who they convince they are out to kidnap the countess, and they blindfold him, and make him help with their plans.  They kidnap the daughter, leave Rigoletto, Rigoletto discovers what happen, and we are off to the next scene, the dukes house.

The Duke is upset that someone has kidnapped his little cutie, and his men come in an start talking about how they kidnapped this little cutie, Rigoletto's mistress, the Duke figures out they are one in the same, and hurries off, to be with the cutie. Rigoletto arrives, demands the girl, she comes running in, ostensibly ruined. Next we see Rigoletto and his daughter overhearing the duke seduce an assassins sister, (part of a plan) and the daughter is sent off to put boys clothes on and to travel to Verona, Rigoletto pays the assassin to kill the duke, and says he will be back later when the deed is done with the rest of the money, The assassins sister, pleads with her brother not to kill the duke, because she loves him now, so they agree to kill the first stranger to knock on the door instead.  The daughter who has come back over hears this and knocks on the door, to sacrifice herself to save the duke. The daughter dies, Rigoletto finds out, and is sad, and blames the curse.

Now I think about this in a few ways, one way, is how would this play out if you reverse cast it, with a duchess seducing a son... etc.  and the other way is what is our responsibility as purveyors of culture with pieces of art that no longer reflect the zeitgeist, of a culture? Was the Duke reprehensible when this was first performed? Or is it the portrayal of woman as easily seduced idiots who will do anything if a man says the right words? I didn't get to read a real program to see what the director says about it, so, maybe he talks about it.

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