Sunday, October 27, 2013

things I need to do today

the main things I need to do today are:

1. Take a bath
2. Clean my room
3. write a resume
4. vacuum
5. write audition annoucenments for facebook
6. set up event for Megan's birthday
7. write response to auditioners
8. download open office
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Sorry, that last post was Trixie, by the way, its another day in Fogtopia (people are talking about Stephen King novels to discribe this fog) And my Wrist hurts for no reason, I am tempted to go to a doctor for it, where they will say, we obviously can't see anything wrong with it, so why did you come in? argh! I hate western medicine.
9. See if Mel is going to this party tonight
10. go to the library
11. buy spanx camisole?
12. learn how to use strike through

13. braise a beef heart
14. go to farmers market
15. get baking powder

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