Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving my Pumpkins

I hope everyone has a good holiday!

I am staying home with the roommate, I worked on Wednesday only until 7pm, then opened my box of new vacuum ... Only 9 pounds, I hope to vacuum my room tomorrow... The rest of the apartment will need a bit of work before I can get it properly. I won't have a month of no roommate for Christmas, or even in January so I will have to try to peck at it as best I can. It's a little disappointing but I have to suck it up.

So, after Thanksgiving I start tech rehearsals for Black Nativity... Perversely I am a tiny bit excited. I won't be in a week but oh well.

But tomorrow, there will be turkey, potatoes, yams, green bean casserole, stuffing, and an experimental pie... Pumpkin apple, I think I talked about it before, but in case I didn't, a recipe which was really just an ad for corn syrup looked intriguing to Pat, and it did but there was no way I was going to make a pie with canned apple filling when I had 6 apples hanging out, and I also had a pie pumpkin, so I figured I would fake it from scratch. Well the pies are done, I made two and just split two recipes between two pies. The apples did not stay on the bottom like the canned filling in the picture and we will have to see how they turned out but I am hopeful.

What else, oh I bought yarn. That's it. Oh. And I have decided that stalking celebities on Twitter is lots of fun. But you do sort of think of them as your friends. Then again it's only a few that are really really famous, the rest are just actors and musicians in shows and bands I like. The actors I could conceiveably meet in my life. In fact I keep hoping someday someone I know will be on a show I love... Besides the law and orders I mean.

Well goodnight. Happy turkey!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Well. I bought my first shirts for my new pimp my shirts phase.

Both are from Jasper Fforde. "porridge, you know you want some." and "Acme quality service". I also got a shirt for a friend for Xmas, "Toast, Have you had yours today "

I looked at some shirts at the Kingdom of Loathing store as well. I can't decide, though I like the ninja snowman a lot, the bugbear, gravy fairy, and vicious gnaga are all good too.

My life is thrilling


I think I need to make a list of t-shirts I need to get... I never think to do it, and I should... I need to have them.

1. both Daily Dose of Fiber shirts from Ravelry
2. the parts of a sheep (also a knitting shirt)
3. the Jasper Fforde Ginja t-shirt
4. something from Kingdom of Loathing.

thats all I can think of now.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Look at that I posted last week.

I meant to post a video from youtube here, but I don't know what happened.

do yourself a favor... look up twillionth on youtube. pretty funny.

the week went the same as all the weeks before... I guess.

Roommate doesn't think he is going home for Christmas... whatever.

My cat alice cries all the time when I am home and she needs to be near me, its sweet and a little annoying.

My show closes this week, on Thursday, and I am both excited and dreading it, dreading it because I am not sure how long before Black Nativity drives me insane, and I want to die, and excited because I am a little tired of this really long play we are doing.

So, news, Sheila Daniels, an associate director is quitting to do what she actually loves to do, direct instead of administration and schmoozing... Yeah! Julia Collins is being promoted to something similar to general manager while Rebecca has her baby, and to a real title of her own when Rebecca comes back. So if you know anyone who wants to be production manager of the Intiman, now is their chance.

ummmmm I ordered an Oreck vacuum cleaner... I was going to pay cash for the whole thing, but in the end, I didn't feel I could swing it... so, I am paying payments, its not too bad, no interest and I will be done next year. It will let me be able to do other things... like change the cat box system... long story that might be too much information. I am also going to get some silk long johns from Dharma Trading company, and dye them for myself. a gift to me.

What haven't I done, uploaded the camera software into the new computer. or cleaned this fucking apartment.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Another Week of my life

so, another week is gone, I guess...

I have a day off tomorrow, which is nice, I have a class in the evening though.

The class might be fun, its surfaces and consumables. there is a class the next day too, but I can't take it, since I will be working... which is weapons I think... great huh... its the one I really wanted to take, and maybe don't already know.

Oh well...

So, plans for the coming week.

we have 2 shows on Wednesday, so they are organizing a pot luck between shows, which should be good. I am making Kim's homemade Tofurkey. It is better I think than store bought. and there are vegetarians in the cast and crew.

I need to write out my current recipe for Aloo Gobi (curry potatoes and cauliflower), and Pat found a recipe for apple pumpkin pie. The recipe itself sounds disgusting... well, that's not fair... it uses apple pie fillling from a can and karo syrup, but I think it was their coupons it was pushing... so... I think I will make the Joy of cooking basic apple pie, and joy of cooking basic pumpkin pie and split the recipes and make one pie. The idea is very intriguing.

thats the cooking out of the way... I guess...
we are making decisions about Thanksgiving now though... unfortunately I only have Thanksgiving day off, surrounded by long days... not sure...

I am sure it will be great.

Friday, November 6, 2009

New app for fancy shiny phone

So. I got this aplication for the phone to update the blog? So, this is really just a test. I don't know how up for typing a long Post I will be if it is all with one finger? I am getting pretty fast, but all the same.

Technology is very tricky and frightening at the same time, they say by 2020 or sooner they will have computers as fast or faster than the human brain.

Oh I did have something of general interest to share, arosol pancakes... Pancake batter in a whipcream can... Not so delicious. You might be tempted, because pancakes are good. I feel bad not recommending them because they are organic and corn free.

I had an issue with the roommate, and I got very mad, rightfully so maybe, but I was just going to let it stew. He hadn't realized how disrespectful his actions would seem to me, and he was very sorry. So I think I grew a little by not letting it fester. I like to believe I am being the better person by not saying anything, but he was really unaware of who hurt I was.

I knit a baby kimono for Rebecca at work, her baby is due in the very begining of December.

I am in love with the idea of a staycation after the Intiman season is over. In an ideal world I could go on a vacation. Or better yet, spend a month and see everyone I miss in california, family I haven't seen in 20 years. I would love to meet Maia, Sabine and Mike's daughter. Ideally I could spend a week with everyone. I can't afford it though, time wise or moneywise, possibly even sanity wise. Plus the roommate will be out of town until the 10th of January and I will not waste that time. Sorry.

So I am going to have a spa retreat at home. Except for the tanning. I will have to go out for that. The details I am suddenly reluctant to disclose.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mac and blue cheese

one bag of pasta... what is that? 12 oz, I like the twisty kind, it doesn't really matter, not a fan of elbow macaroni, not sure why.
cook as per directions on the bag.
in a bowl or large measuring cup, combine 1 cup blue cheese crumbles, 1 cup of milk of your preferred variety, 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese, and 2 tablespoons of butter or butter substance. Mix together if you feel inclined... or not.
Drain pasta, return to pot, mix in cheese concoction, once everything is melted, I call it done.

This recipe is not for people who do not like blue cheese. I can see myself trying this with Feta, for a different flavor. Because I am me, I would add kalamata olives to it, and sun-dried tomatoes since in my mind those things go with feta... but... I guess you don't have to do that.

Monday, November 2, 2009

oh my god

I added twitter.

the Sheep gene is strong I guess, and the need to bring my internet stalking to all new heights.

now I must find all my celebrities, and see if the twitter... oh yeah and some friends... oh god its like facebook without the games.

I blame the fancy phone.... stupid shiny fancy phone.

Hello Again.

I have been a little tired lately, and sick... not so much I feel even justified in complaining about, but, enough to not feel quite the thing.

but I am going back to the gym today, before I go to costco, so maybe that will help. I am going to try and schedule time to go to the gym around work, its hard to do, as I like to procrastinate, until just before its time to go to work, but I am going to try. I also bought a little Xena to watch at the gym.

I would like to take a moment to wax lyrical about the new iPhone... miss cheapy pants doesn't like the monthy bill, but, its like this little mini computer. Who knew 10 years ago, that I couldn't let a day go by without constant access to the internet. I barely get phone calls anywmore, but I love it.
Oh iPhone, I neglect my other ipods because of you.

okay... moving on... not much else to say... contract negotiations are... going I guess, no raise for the rest of the year, but that is fine. I think we want a quarter next year or something. at least 3 of the plays for next season have been chosen... Ruined, a play about women in a war zone, specifically the Congo, but could be anywhere. Paradise Lost by Clifford Odets, and A Doctor inspite of Himself, by Moliere... I don't know the Paradise Lost play, but I have read something that said its about the great depression. The Moliere... well it will be funny about sly servants, young girls and dirty old men... but I haven't read that one either... both are in my bag I might read them tonight.... I do know the Moliere piece is going to be directed by Christopher Beyes, or at least that is the plan, and with the new artistic directors husband... Who is currently donkey on Broadway in Shrek. Christopher directed Scapin, the first show I ever worked on at the Intiman, and it was pretty funny, and I recall that I thought it was funny the whole run... which is pretty remarkable.

ummmm, my roommate Pat, has been really thinking about another cat. Alternately a kitten or a rescue cat, I remain unconvinced, although I love the idea of kittens, and I love all the cats, all the cats don't think I have enough time for them. And Bovine gets very jealous, how will she react to a different cat getting love from Pat?