Monday, January 7, 2013

My birthday

My birthday was very nice.

On my birthday eve, I roasted a duck and did a repeat performance of my French onion soup, the duck was very rich, good, but maybe not my favorite, but it was a big hit with the roommate and dude on my couch. I also made gluten free bread, a treat, and the roommate made a gluten free cake - chocolate. It was good, but it gave me a headache.

Then on my birthday proper, I met my friend, Erika for lunch, I had pick a cool restaurant, but the Seahawks were playing and it was crowded, so, we went to a little Greek deli, and it was great.
Then we met up with Christina across from the theatre, at a market with a cafe, had some hot chocolate, and we hung out until the movie started, when we were joined by Lauren.

The Hobbit was... Good, but long, and they could have taken ten minutes off of every fight/flight sequence and the whole movie would have been an hour shorter, and no one would have noticed. Or it would have been more pleasant. I'm not sure how much they added, since its been a while since I have read the novel, but I'm pretty sure they added the strong foreshadowing stuff. The 3D was interesting, at time it made it look very cool, at other times it was distracting, the oddest part of the 3D was the foreground was often blurry while the background was crystal clear. The High Frames Per Second, which I didn't really notice at the time is what gave is a high definition video feel, which to me looks like over lit 70s BBC video. I don't like it in televisions either.

So, I was glad I saw it.

After the movie Lauren left to go to dinner at a friends house with her husband, and Christina, Erika and I when to Bed, Bath and Beyond. Where I bought a new laundry basket.

Then I came home. My life is pretty exciting, I watched the last few episodes of the first season of the Big Bang theory, and now I'm about to go to bed.

I work tomorrow. Yay!

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