Wednesday, August 31, 2011


ten days, sorry.

I still haven't figured out the photo thing, so, no cool pictures. I might be able to do a work around, but, I don't care enough.... though, I might soon.

the last few days, well, I have started a couch to 5k training program, and its ... not fun exactly, but cathartic maybe, and hard... but I have not missed a day, and that means 4 runs so far.... I think twitter will tell you, so, you can keep me honest.

I have worked a little, Josh Groban, Janet Jackson, and some corporate event. Will probably work some Bumbershoot... but haven't heard yet.

I have been sewing a bit, in the last two days, and tonight I will finish, or get very close to finishing operation make this futon 8 inches wider. I picked a very fun lavender fabric, its a little velvety. and flowery. I think it will look great. I am taking a break right this minute from cutting cotton batting I am stealing from a different pad, but it was making my hand hurt, and I am delicate. I also made two head bands and some little towels for the gym. oh and hemmed some pants... its like I am a seamstress.... or something. I did buy too much of this lavender fabric, so, I will have to sew some more, to use it up, there might be a cat bed, or I might cover the other sofa-esque furniture piece. or both.... I will ponder it.

ok, I need to make a little progress before sleep.

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