Sunday, August 14, 2011

Camping Tomorrow

So, tomorrow I am going camping with the Women Of Local Fifteen, I haven't been in a long time, I know it's going to be fine, but sometimes I get nervous.

Right this minute, I don't want to talk about my life and cancer, and I know it will come up, the fake booby will come up, swimming and bathing suits will come up. Exciting.

But on the other hand, a bunch of my work friends are going, and there will be lots of knitting time, which is great. And I have planned out all my meals, mostly, and that will be fine as well.

Speaking of meals, I have been doing fair on this program, yesterday I went completely off the reservation, and felt physically terrible, and the food I make tastes better, processed food is more addicting than tasty. But still it's hard, it's like quitting smoking again.

The other part, the working out part, well, that is going less well, but I have a new plan, and after camping, we are going to try it.

I am going to take a few pictures probably, but... I have to figure out how I screwed up that whole thing on my computer. That might be a while, the roommate has decided to be on the computer day and night, it's funny in a way, he wonders why we don't hang out anymore in the living room, but that might be because hanging out while someone watches tv on the computer is boring.

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