Wednesday, August 31, 2011


ten days, sorry.

I still haven't figured out the photo thing, so, no cool pictures. I might be able to do a work around, but, I don't care enough.... though, I might soon.

the last few days, well, I have started a couch to 5k training program, and its ... not fun exactly, but cathartic maybe, and hard... but I have not missed a day, and that means 4 runs so far.... I think twitter will tell you, so, you can keep me honest.

I have worked a little, Josh Groban, Janet Jackson, and some corporate event. Will probably work some Bumbershoot... but haven't heard yet.

I have been sewing a bit, in the last two days, and tonight I will finish, or get very close to finishing operation make this futon 8 inches wider. I picked a very fun lavender fabric, its a little velvety. and flowery. I think it will look great. I am taking a break right this minute from cutting cotton batting I am stealing from a different pad, but it was making my hand hurt, and I am delicate. I also made two head bands and some little towels for the gym. oh and hemmed some pants... its like I am a seamstress.... or something. I did buy too much of this lavender fabric, so, I will have to sew some more, to use it up, there might be a cat bed, or I might cover the other sofa-esque furniture piece. or both.... I will ponder it.

ok, I need to make a little progress before sleep.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Its been a few days

So, Camping was fun, but I can't post pictures yet since I have been too lazy to figure out how I screwed it up.

nothing much has been going on except camping, I finished my jaywalker socks, and they are bright, and I started my mawata mittens (mawata is layers of silk roving that you use like single ply yarn,) and because its silk, they will be super warm, and lightweight, and colorful, since I had to get three different colors. I also bought some new yarn... but not for socks, more mittens (or gloves) and a hat. The yarn is Epiphany by cascade.... and frankly, I would like to have its babies. Its alpaca, cashmere and silk.... so soft.

enough of that.

I have been trying to catch up on classic and influential movies, so, I just watched the original Manchurian Candidate, and the Vivien Leigh A Streetcar Named Desire. Both were excellent. But what most struck me about Streetcar, since I know the play fairly well, was the censorship of some of the major themes, and it sort of threw me at first... they changed the reason why Alan killed himself (Blanche's young husband) from being called disgusting for being gay to being called disgusting for being a poet, or sensitive, or just because.... and they made Stella leave Stanley in the end, because a rapist must be punished giving it what Tennessee Williams lamented as a happy ending. It made me think of calling it contemporary revisionist history.

that might be in in my world... very boring, tomorrow... I am do a few more things that might be remotely interesting, farmers market, knitting, and library.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Camping Tomorrow

So, tomorrow I am going camping with the Women Of Local Fifteen, I haven't been in a long time, I know it's going to be fine, but sometimes I get nervous.

Right this minute, I don't want to talk about my life and cancer, and I know it will come up, the fake booby will come up, swimming and bathing suits will come up. Exciting.

But on the other hand, a bunch of my work friends are going, and there will be lots of knitting time, which is great. And I have planned out all my meals, mostly, and that will be fine as well.

Speaking of meals, I have been doing fair on this program, yesterday I went completely off the reservation, and felt physically terrible, and the food I make tastes better, processed food is more addicting than tasty. But still it's hard, it's like quitting smoking again.

The other part, the working out part, well, that is going less well, but I have a new plan, and after camping, we are going to try it.

I am going to take a few pictures probably, but... I have to figure out how I screwed up that whole thing on my computer. That might be a while, the roommate has decided to be on the computer day and night, it's funny in a way, he wonders why we don't hang out anymore in the living room, but that might be because hanging out while someone watches tv on the computer is boring.

Friday, August 5, 2011

another day another ... what?

so, its been a few days, and since I have turned over a new leaf and all, at the moment...
um, not much has been happening... which is lame.
I went to knitting on Tuesday, it was cool, Cole showed up, which was a miracle, but Lisa did not, (she forgot it was Tuesday), I started work on my jaywalker socks but I can't post a photo because I screwed something up on my computer. (I just realized it.) I had changed its program that opens when I plug in my phone to get my pictures, because of the video fandango, and well, picassa can't fetch my photos, and makes the annoying donk noise. I will figure it out later.

anyway, started the socks, I'm halfway through the first heel flap, and I started a hat, a sort of classy hat, made less classy by the thick thin multi colored yarn, but its probably a gift, unless I really hate it. I got my new very expensive knitting needles in the mail, finally.... but, now I need two more sets, size 3 and size 5, the basic sizes for socks. sigh.

um, the diet, well, this week is supposed to be the light week, and I find the craving for chicken to be very strong, but I think it will be better next week, when there is more protein. I feel a little better, I only get heartburn if I eat something very citrus-y or I have eaten off the diet, but it goes away fairly quickly rather than being with me all day, and that is great.

so, in a week and a half I'm going camping with the Women of Local Fifteen, I'm excited and nervous, there will be talking about the stuff, the showing of the scar, I could not, but it gives it power to do that, and I'm desensitizing myself.

But here is a simple recipe for Tori
1 corn on the cobb
1 heirloom tomato
1 green onion
1 lemon

remove corn from the cobb, cut up tomato, avocado and green onion, mix together. add the juice of one lemon, and a pinch of salt, mix again. serves one if this is all you have, or two as a side.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Brief update on life

So, lets see,
I am doing a raw diet-y thing, its going ok, what I like best about it is everything is laid out, with shopping lists and exact menu plans. But the menu plans need to be edited as they are not entirely correct, and the menus are a bit uneven. But the food is mostly good, simple, nothing more required than a blender or a food processor. Unfortunately I need to deal with my very unfortunate addiction to boneless hot wings aka chicken nuggets. (Maia would feel my pain) I think ultimately I will have to find something that satisfies like a chicken nugget, something good with hot sauce.
The other challenge is, I am supposed to work out for 20 minutes 3 times a day... as an inveterate couch potato, I find this difficult, but I am trying to trick myself into it.

I have been trying to tackle some biggish cleaning jobs, and get them into a proper rotation, I like to blame a certain amount of my lack drive on the couch potato roommate, but this may not be fair. Alas.

I have had a tiny bit of work , in the last few weeks, here and there, but its slow out there... and not likely to get better for me soon... My field is sort of second wave reactionary, in terms of conventions and theatre, for conventions, companies have to feel on solid enough footing for such a thing- which is costly and boastful, and theatre, which exists largely by private donation, and people donate less, when they feel monetarily pinched, or if they wonder if its a good bet, (as in the Intiman, which I am sure is having a hard time getting people to give to a theatre that is currently closed.) So, this will be tight until companies start employing more people, and those people start buying stuff, and those companies and stockholders start giving away money... is it too late to be an accountant?

Speaking of Theatre, I saw Porgy and Bess Last Wednesday - a Bucket list item if ever there was one, and now I know whats going on between well known songs, and I thought it ended happier, but it is an opera... I know I could have read the booklet that came with my cast recording, but that's boring. Afterwards I did a little research and I can see why it would have enjoyed some disfavor, white people telling stories of black folk and their lives, especially in the early part of the 20th century, it can feel full of stereotypes, what with the poverty and the drugs. But it can also be seen as last centuries The Wire.

What else... oh, I went to Churchmouse Yarn and Tea, last Monday with Christina and Tim, it was good, and I was Extremely well behaved, I only bought what I was there for wool wash, and my free pattern (socks), I also bought two other patterns, one for a stuffed chicken, and the other yoga socks.