Monday, September 20, 2010

After Radiation, Am I Cured?!?

Uh, no.

So, after radiation was over, I went to see my medical oncologist, as opposed to my radiation oncologist, and I went much better than the first time. She congratulated me on my not needing chemo, and we talked about the tamoxifen, I got the impression that she wouldn't have fought me too much on the tamoxifen if I hadn't wanted to take it. But I figured I'll take it until I have side effects I can't deal with, and I try to lose weight. Losing weight will decrease my chance of recurrence a lot, also the risk for some of the nastier side effects of tamoxifen, she seemed pleased with my choices.
She commiserated with me on the "scaling" of the radiation area, said meet me in 4 months, and let's test that protein marker that was still a little elevated post surgery.

And away I went.

The next day she called, I missed her call, but a check on my online medical account said my protein marker was higher. If you don't remember, presurgery it was 33, post surgery 6.5, normal is 0.0 to 5.0. Now it was up to 14.8.

I made an appointment for a phone consult with the Dr. , since you can't just call, for 48 hours later. As a terrible pain sprang up in my lower back, and anxiety in my heart.

I will leave you with this cliff hanger. I'll post on Wednesday.

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