Outside the undersea garden place, I already posted this but I like it.
The floating undersea garden, a little overpriced
The Harbor
giant seastar, with grey fish
Sea star with orange fish
a view of the windows, there was a dive show going on.
Creepy wax museum
More creepy wax museum, many pictures I took were too dark.
This chair was not made of wax
Wax Buddha
Victoria BC's Pioneer Square is a pioneer cemetary.
Castle Craigdarroch was a large house built by an industry baron in the 1880s, its all hand carved wood, and stained glass, the furnishings are not original, but are from the right period.
Every stained glass window was different, mostly thistles and other flowers from the family's Scottish and British roots.
Hand embroidered fire screen, every fireplace in the castle had one.
there was no explanation of this item, what it looked like to me, is this was a hand knotted hair piece, made with real hair, it was seriously elaborate.
Hair and stained glass reflection. Bonus.
whats a museum without knitting!
Hand carved lizard detail, I wish this picture was better.
Billiard Table, the plaque said mostly the ladies played.
Um, I am currently obsessed with fake food... I think its the prop person in me.
The view from the top of the staircase... also a bad picture, sorry
Every post in the staircase, hand carved, and alternating.
Ball gown
View from the top.
An old piano, this was available to anyone who wanted to play, provided you could play that is...
Dance Card
More stained glass...
Fancy duds for dudes too.
This carpet is an old time prop favorite at the Intiman... not this exact one, of course, but this same pattern.
A Model of the castle
More fake food
this vase was cool
Fake bacon and eggs, and below... I was trying to get the high chair.
this was in the gift store, and I might need to knit one.
We didn't make it to anymore cool places after this, the castle was about a mile and a half from downtown, and we ran out of time, plus my phone battery was not holding up well...
so.... this is the end of my pictures.