Saturday, January 2, 2010

hello unemployment.

so, I have finished my last day on contract.

I work again for the intiman on January 29 and 30... then back for real on February 22.

I want to work some where fun during the off season. with fun people.. and not be in charge...
not that I am in charge much but I don't hang out much with other stage hands anymore... I need to fix that. There are stagehands much better than the ones I work with all the time.

cooler stage hands.

I am a broken record.

on the plate tomorrow...
the gym,
get quarters and do a little laundry
clean room
and a little yoga...
and some LOST season 5, in preparation for the Final Season.

now is time for Lost and sweater knitting.

Monday I start on Pat's mitten pattern... I will post pictures and such as we go along...

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