Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

welcome 2010

I should be in bed.. I am about to go, I have to work tomorrow, then some time off...

I have many things to do... and I am sure all the time will be over in just a minute.

its like that.

some one asked why I don't do a rent to own home... its a good question... I might really pursue it.

my own home would be nice... would Pat be an asset or hindrance?

Its hard to live my life not being dragged down, by a depressed roommate who does nothing... who is depressed.... waiting for it to pass is not working.

It is making me sad, I am not allowed to be tired or sad. and sometimes that makes me angry.

Not even here... I feel like I can't write whatever I want, because I... I don't get feedback here... so, I sometimes think no one is reading, but then I find they do, so, I edit myself... so... no more for you tonight little blog.

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