Sunday, February 24, 2013

Casual Vacancy

Well, I finished the new JK Rowling book, I don't often read contemporary fiction, and this one was pretty darn good, in a European - not necessarily a happy ending, but not preachy sort of way. The last two I can remember having read were The Lovely Bones, which I liked but had an element of magical realism, and My Sister's Keeper, which ended on a self righteous preachy note that enraged me. (I am trying to stop myself from going on about its moralistic, god bullshit.) The movie based on the book reversed the outcome.

But Casual Vacancy was good, I was skeptical, and I only got it so I could say I wanted to support JK Rowling's ambition to write something other than Harry Potteresque fantastical fiction, but I really wanted the novel to be terrible. Not that it matters, it's not like she is someone who would write just for the money.

Well, I need to feed the cats, before I beat them bloody- they are so irritating, and I need to take a tiny nap before I work an overnight tonight, loading out War Horse (which is super cool, and I will be saving up for a ticket for the next time it comes around.

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