Saturday, December 8, 2012

Holiday Cheer

Got this email today.


I do "get it".

I bother, it makes me a bad person, I don't bother, it makes me a bad person.

We got your card, I showed it to Sylvia, it appeared she read it, no reaction and no comment (she only talks when she is pissed & sometimes in her sleep). I guess you do not get the reality, she is "non compos men to". I put her to bed, I get her up, I feed her, I turn on the TV to programs she likes. I cook dinner at which I suck. I catch naps when I can (I sleep in the living room). I wash her bed clothes every day and change her diapers 2 or 3 times daily.
Do you get the picture? Hopefully I do not die before her, otherwise she will be screwed.
I hope you have happy holidays.

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