Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas et al.

So, my Christmas was very nice, stockings and a gift certificate for amazon, which I have already spent.

Exchanged emails with the step father, and it was a misunderstanding, he is tired and under stress, I feel for him.

I've been totally dragging my feet on cleaning/reorganizing my room, how much procrastinating can a girl do? A lot.

I am on a "break from doing it right now.

It has to be done by Monday, since Christina is coming over to help me clean some walls and paint one wall, lavender.

I read The Name Of The Wind, and Wise Man's Fear, oh which there was a recent big fuss, and I have a few things to say, one, the world is pretty great, and the first book is very interesting. The second book was more of the same, and at a 1000 pages it was a bit tedious. You learned nothing new about the main character, but his bad traits become more glaring. This character lies all the time, I'm not sure he has told the truth to another character more than three time total, although now that I think about it, maybe only once. Now, I'm going to read the third novel, when it comes out, if it is the final novel, if it miraculously becomes a quartet, I will read the spoilers on good reads and wait for the final novel. That being said, when the novel that I thought would never be over was over, I missed it. And I've been thinking about that.

I have thought about writing, and bad novels make me want to write more and good novels, like I'm am inspired by bad-ish art. And I have run into this sort of problem before in a novel I liked, but then didn't like or got bored with the sequels. These are writers who sit down and let the words flow, with out a specific destination, or they know where they are going, but nothing in between and they are enamored of their world. It's a problem I have when I think of a character and a world, I just want to let the character wander around in that world, but now I see I'm going to have to work on a path, since I don't want to be like those authors.

Well that's about it.

Happy new year

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Holiday Cheer

Got this email today.


I do "get it".

I bother, it makes me a bad person, I don't bother, it makes me a bad person.

We got your card, I showed it to Sylvia, it appeared she read it, no reaction and no comment (she only talks when she is pissed & sometimes in her sleep). I guess you do not get the reality, she is "non compos men to". I put her to bed, I get her up, I feed her, I turn on the TV to programs she likes. I cook dinner at which I suck. I catch naps when I can (I sleep in the living room). I wash her bed clothes every day and change her diapers 2 or 3 times daily.
Do you get the picture? Hopefully I do not die before her, otherwise she will be screwed.
I hope you have happy holidays.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Well, the roommate and I had a big tearful talk, and we have come to an understanding, of sorts. We have both been out of sorts because of how grubby this place is, and we are both going to cleaning the heck out of the place, with a little decorating on the side. And I'm also in charge of assigning chores if something needs doing,this part is a little bit lame, and I will have to get over feeling like a parent, or bad guy. I have had a bunch of work lately, so I've been a bit tired, and it's hard to motivate when it's a bit overwhelming, but I am going to break it down into some chunks, and recruit the dude on my couch.

I have worked a few interesting things lately, first of all, I did the pre hang and load in of Elf at the 5th Ave, and I got to keep working on it for quite a while, not the run, but notes in the morning, which is nice, since you can do other things, and it gets you out of bed in the morning, plus I like all of those people. And I also got to see the show opening night. (Which was last night) I also worked the Deck The Hall Ball, which was a lot of work, but not terrible, the first band (of nine) was an obscure band (The Joy Formidable) I knew from an obscure podcast, (RadioNoWhere) so, hipster heaven there, and they were ok live, but the second band, Of Monsters and Men, was pretty good, and I'll probably buy their cd. They rest were all good, but I got bored.

I also worked the load in of UFC (Ultimate Fighting Challenge?) whose big match is tomorrow the 8th, their entire crew was super nice, and the work was nice and mellow, this can be a huge change from some of the sorts of crews big events can have. Some times a crew can be cranky because of the production management, and sometimes they will have just worked too many non union venues, and then they are quite condescending and mean... But I guess not everyone can coil a cable without constant supervision. Enough of that.

Although that makes a good segue to my next fun activity. Today I wrote a grievance with a co-worker, because my house job has bad management. It's a little slice of the same crap but different, extra irritating because they are so close to being done for the next six months, why can't they just refrain for being stupid.

Well that's it for now, but well, I am sure more will happen next week, like cleaning, and visiting with my lovely friend Tori

Sunday, December 2, 2012


So, I had a tiny confrontation with the roommate, and he was apologetic, except that he was mad that I yelled at him in front of dude on my couch. On one hand I feel bad about it, and on the other embarrassment is effective. I'm going to start putting it on my brand new to me white board. What he owes me. And of course on that note, he still owes me $12.50, but I think he thinks he gave me extra. Awkward.


Yesterday I did nothing all day, and now I feel like a lump. It was nice, but seriously, there are things to be done, I like to blame the roommate for being a motivational suck, but at some point I need to rise above it or something. It helps if I pretend I live alone.

I just noticed I'm all doom and gloom, I don't really feel that way, one more gloomy thing though, then I'll move on to fun things.

My cat Alice was sick two days ago, she had some shivers, then she threw up, and skipped dinner. She ate breakfast the next morning, and is alert. But she still refuses to purr, she looks all sad while she was allowing me to skritch her head. It reminds me of when the vet once accused her of faking a little, but I prefer to call it being a drama queen.

On a better note, I bought some beautiful shoes! Pictures to come soon, they were expensive so I hope I love them forever!

And I've been working quite a bit, lately, which is nice, and this last week I only worked 4 hours every morning, a nice change that gets you out of the house, and you are done working before you would normally be awake, and you can get some running around done.

That's about it