Thursday, January 13, 2011

Belated Birthday Post

so, my birthday was last week, and it was pretty good.

I celebrated with my roommate, and three friends at a restaurant I had never been before, Chaco Canyon Cafe and it was great. I had a raw curry bowl which was cabbage and brussel sprouts in a coconut curry sauce, and I had a slice of coconut cream pie. I didn't really notice what everyone else had, so self absorbed, and it was over a week ago.... I take it back, Pat and Lauren had veggie dogs, Jeanette had some black bean and quinoa bowl, and I didn't notice what Christina had... not as oblivious as I thought.

I got an interesting present from my mom, I am going to criticise because it is my blog, and because its mystifying, and well, some cause for concern for myself.

So, I got this dollar store necklace and earring set, and I suspect she got it as a free gift with something else she ordered, and its missing two fake pearls. I also got a cigarette case/wallet thing, which I decided to use as a wallet, its not so good for cash, and that's a bit of a problem, but life isn't perfect. Now, I don't want to say anything bad because I got a present, and this is very rare, but... my mom used to have pretty good taste. And this is what worries me, what if there is something genetic that makes your aesthetic taste disappear as you get older? What if my mom's mom had it too, when she sent postcards of ASPCA kittens asking if we had hugged our cat today... nothing else... I already like some very kitchy things... is it already happening? I'm not sure what to do with this jewelry, I will never wear it, its gold tone for one, and well... yeah.

On brighter birthday greediness, I got a fun Lego toy from my dad of the space needle, I think I might take it to work, because that is where I have a decent collection of fun toys. I have not yet put it together, and Pat got me an embarrassment of riches (its because he got me a reciprocal saw for Christmas, which is ... well, I am unlikely to ever use it, certainly not at home, and well, he felt bad.) (I do want to cut stuff up though). I got cheesecloth, a book on making your own green cleaning products, a mini voodoo doll, and a book on making cheese. (75 recipes for making your own cheese) (now I need sheep and a yard to keep them in).

So, it was a pretty nice birthday. I turned.... 42... but I guess its not the end of the world.

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