Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pesky Protein Markers

So, I had a doctors appointment yesterday, a four month check up with the oncologist. It went well, no mysterious lumps, no terrible side effects from the tamoxifen.

We talked about mammograms and pelvic exams, we agree (unlike my general practitioner) that I should probably get a pelvic every year while on the tamoxifen, just in case it does catch something early. There is no reliable screening for uterine cancer (risk increased by tamoxifen) but it can't hurt.

We agreed to meet again in four months, and then we talked a bit about the CEA, which was elevated before and I had to have a colonoscopy... you remember. She said we should check it again, because it being elevated made her nervous, made me nervous too!!! nightmares of LURKING CANCER and all... I asked what we would do if it was high or higher, and she said... do the scans again and see if we can find something, she told me she would call with results, both of us were trying to be hopeful as I left, and I wandered down to the Lab.

Today I got an email, not a phone, from my doctor, and my CEA is down from 14.8 to 5.7, still high, normal range is 0 to 5.0 but better... I got this news an hour after saying to someone, I shouldn't worry because, I am a little different. Anyway, we will test again in 6 months.

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