Friday, November 12, 2010

bad Blogger. No Cookie.

whoops, I haven't blogged in almost a week, not much has happened. the computer got a virus, which it still has, can seem to shake it, its worse on my roommate's account, so, I think its an internet explorer thing, I use fire fox.... I might have to actually pay for protection.... er.... but I am not giving up yet.

I joined bleeping computer, so I might get help there, or learn more about this poop. boo. but learning is good, bleeping computer has a bunch of tutorials and things on how to find out what programs are vulnerable to this sort of thing.

um, other than that, life is well life.

The theatre seems less stressed out, and more in control than before, and rumor has it they are current with pension, benefits and union dues. I haven't check with anyone on the IA international benefits plan to make sure if this is true, (they have an online account they can check) but they say its true.

uh, Scarlet Letter will not be extended until the 12th, it will close on the 5th, its a good show, but not spectacular, and its unfortunate. So in consequence we will have two weeks on contract after the show closes, I might be the only one, but I do not have two weeks of work to do at the end of the season, so.... not sure WTF I am going to do. I might have to go to work and work on other peoples projects, yuck.

I can't think of anything else to report.

1 comment:

Beananon said...

uuummmm...wait so no show on NYE...are you coming to visit us then?? The Big G is anxiously awaiting your arrival ever since I told him in MAY that you were planning on coming in December