Thursday, September 17, 2009

unanswerable questions.

How do you pronounce Kauni?

Why am I obsessed with Estonia?

Why is it hard to find pictures to explain bizarre color codes of fancy Estonia yarn I cannot pronounce? If I could pronounce it I could have asked Local Yarn Stores if they carry it and could I come look at it?

Will I ever stop buying yarn? and Will I ever knit all the yarn I have?

Why does the play I am working on make me think of an article on superstition in cats and pigeons, but really the question is why does everything make me think of that article. Or if not that article, then the one that postulated skin color variation was in response to vitamin D and Folic Acid. (Basically, lack of vitamin D can give you rickets, lack of folic acid in utero causes spina bifida. Too much vitamin D can cause your body to use up too much of your folic acid. The only natually occurring vitamin d other than sunlight, is cold water fish, and beef liver. So, the theory goes, skin color is a delicate balance of not too much but just enough of these two vitamins. ) I read this article once years ago, and can now not find any follow up research, it might make me crazy one day.

hmm, maybe that is all of my unanswerable questions?

ps. I bought too much yarn, again.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Well, yesterday, I didn't get too much done, though I contributed to the failure to go to a meeting of another union member.

I did a little on the ongoing tell the computer where the music files are project... I am not doing the majority of the books on cd that I have already uploaded, but I did want to get the Jared Diamond book done... oh, you don't know what I am talking about? when I transferred from one computer to another, I thought I would be smart and move all the music files the the external, but the new computer didn't automatically find the songs, so, I have to individually tell it where each one is... good times... for not just me, for Pat as well... I don't do it everyday. I should I might be done already, but.... anyway, I am doing them in order by artist, and Jared Diamond (who wrote guns germs and steel) wrote a book called Collapse, about what makes societies collapse, the Maya, Easter Island, Greenland etc. and its 22 cds long. I really want it to be the next book I listen to while I knit, and I have only found through disc 11.

I have started looking for yarn for the mittens, I had thought at first I would use a basic yarn from knit picks... but then I got to thinking, I want to make the rainbow bears for Pat's mittens, and I know a few yarns that have long color repeats so, those might work, but is rainbow a color that is in season, or di I want to use multiple yarns, and have more control, but less delightful accident? It doesn't help that I was at a yarn store, and found some beautiful silk wool yarn for reasonable... in good colors... I recall seeing exactly what would work for this project, but I can't find it anymore... so, a little stymied, but its still in the begining stages....

Monday, September 14, 2009

Its almost time to start the christmas knitting.

And I have a few ideas... I am not sure how many presents I may knit, I know I want to knit socks for my dad, and uncle john, and I think mittens for Jana and Daniel.

I am not sure about anyone else...more leg warmers...?

the creative part of the socks will be in the dyeing process, I think. I have this sock yarn that was knit flat undyed, and you can dye a picture in it and then knit it, and it is sort of supposed to come out, its probably not made for detail work, but I could possibly make something fun.

And why mittens for Jana and Daniel... well, I want to send them a present, and I want to make pictures in fair isle mittens that are cool. They work out because they are cool, and live in Finland. This really started because Jana sent me this awesome plate and cup with traditional Finnish decorations on them, which are very cool, Yelena looked at them and pronounced them Russian, which leads me to a book I know that exists
This ethnic offering gives knitters an introduction to the wonderful knitting of Estonia. There are 26 patterns for colorful mittens, gloves, and socks to knit, along with some exciting new knitting techniques. Included is information on the history and traditions of this fascinating Baltic country

Estonia... that's all up in Finland's neighborhood.

For a moment I was all fired up to buy the book, but I got a good look at the patterns on Ravelry, and I think I am going to wing it with my Knitters Handy Book of Patterns. I knew I would want to create my own colorwork pattern, to be individualized. So, I have looked up math equations for Daniels and I might make Grateful Dead mittens for the roommate. For Jana, she might read this, and I don't have any concrete ideas yet.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

the thoughts that I think.

so, 5 days a week, I sit in a catwalk, in the dark for 2 hours, and run a spotlight.

It is not demanding work.

Its sort of mind numbingly dull by this point in the process. (2 weeks left)

To keep myself awake, I have to think of other things with 90% of my brain. The other 10% I leave with the show, to listen to the stage manager when my light is not on, and watch the actress and follow her when my light is on.

I think of many great things to write about, brilliant, insightful things, about the state of the economy, political meanness, the way theatres should be run, evil coworkers and how I might poke them in the eye with a spoon, literary comparisons like the Year of Magical Thinking and Frankenstein - Frankenstein was written because Mary Shelley lost her mind a bit when her child died, which also leads to superstition and myth and death.

But when I get home, all I want to do, it check my facebook pirates, and eat a snack...

I do want to make a brief liberal statement to the nasty Republicans out there, do you think we were this mean to Bush that you have to be evil, do you think we weren't this mean because Bush was a better president than Obama, or because we were too wousy? I think we were being polite. Don't ask me in snide ways how I think its not better. Warm dog shit on a stick would be better than Bush, and I will always think that. I know the Republicans aren't the LaRouche assholes with the Obama as Hitler posters, but give the guy a break, he inherited the crap economy, he inherited the war, he inherited a bunch of shit, and we won't know his true legacy for a while. We can't even be sure of the Bush legacy at this point. So give the guy a damn break.

And before you say I get my news from some yellow liberal news source, I mostly read the Economist for my world news, with a little NPR (which I mostly can listen only for the human interest stories) and well, scientific american.

errrrr... I also get a little worked up, up there in the catwalk, with my light, in the dark.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Where does the time go?

I mean to update this all of the time, but I don't.

maybe its because nothing much happens in my life.

I promise there will be more of an update soon.

I am not dead, and life is not terrible. so...

If I could figure out how to update this from my phone, I might do it, while sitting around at my job unable to do anything that makes noise.