Monday, July 11, 2011

A big catching up?

So, I haven't posted a real post in... ah... awhile... er... April?

I can't remember if anything super exciting happened in May... oh... I worked the load in and load out for Mary Poppins, and made a tiny bit of money... and sadly of course Carroll Briggs passed away.

In June I visited California around fathers day, and that was a bit more exciting. I flew into to SFO and Barted out to Antioch, for a few days with the Father... it was nice though I think he got tired of me towards the end, contrarian that I am, but we had some nice conversations and then, he drove me down to Salinas.

I had thought to take dear old dad to the aquarium, but he didn't want to go, I might have been forcing my will on him, and it was for the best in the end, as one exhibit was about the vanishing wetlands and there was a very over the top climate change propoganda posters... I believe in climate change, but these were a bit much. It was super cool to go to the aquarium, I'm not sure when I last went, but surely before I moved away?

After that, another highlight was buying too much salt water taffy.

Summerbash at Rancho Gromek was nice, and mellow, Sabine and I had planned to write a page in the book about Carroll, but its still a tiny bit hard, I just misted up now... but we will.

Following all that I got a ride on Sunday to a BART station, and my last final California trip act was to have dinner with Jon and Meaghan, at a crepe place, followed by tasty ice cream.

I only took pictures of the Aquarium... and a couple of Maia. I'll try to be better...

the rest of this week I will post aquarium pictures.

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