Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just two days to go

So, I haven't updated recently as I was living in hope that I would get it together to post some pictures. But, this looks unlikely.
I also hope to link Twitter and the blog, so you can read up to the minute reports. And I think that will happen.

I feel sort of bad, getting all sorts of stuff, because I have cancer.

I have gotten tons of yarn, books, offers of help and cake.

But to balance that out, I have the fun of cleaning the apartment really well, and setting up a new futon couch.

Unfortunately it appears I bought the wrong one, and it's not the super cool chaise that I wanted. I'm still processing what I want to do. I have to look on the website. To find out what my options are. But I am putting it together.

I have a fair amount of anxiety, but as always I process everything differently.
I seem to have a fair bit of heartburn, which is relieved by Xanax. And I am disproportionatedly angry, something that would normally make me annoyed makes me really angry or even enraged.

This leads me too, yesterday the nurse navigator called, first I had to tell her I would not accept the vicodin, and that was why I have not had it filled, that in fact I had my GP remove it. She then asked if work gave me any trouble about having the 4 weeks off. What the Fuck! I was stunned, never was that talked about, I felt swayed before with the 10 days instead of 7, but she is off her rocker. I told her "it's all worked out with work" then she expressed surprise I was not getting fired because I had breast cancer. I think I responded I have a union. In my meeting with the big bosses, the only thing like that, that was discussed was, if things are not ideal, and I needed to take more time, they would help me navigate temporary disability. Since I think I get 140 hours of sick time. Maybe less with the season being shorter.

Anyway. Moving. On.

Sabine is supposed to come tonight, but she is puking right now, so currently the plan is a go, but she might come tomorrow instead. A little worrisome.

I have to go buy cat litter. More later.

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