Wednesday, December 18, 2013


well, I get a bit crazy this time of year.

I blame ... the weather.

anyway, I am trying to make candy for everyone for christmas this year, but, I've also been a little sick, and I generally lack motivation on a good day. But I have made some, and I am on track for finishing enough for the Thursday morning mailing. I have until Friday for cheap postage anyway. And who says it has to be their by christmas!!! Geez!!! stop pressuring me.

I actually I'm not bad off for my goals, I have the boxes, and all the ingredients, and half the caramels are done, well 2/3s really, and its time for marshmallows. hurray!

(no-sequitor) So, thats good, I am making a vinyl star wand bus pass holder, and that might be trickier... its going to be awesome though!

I applied and interviewed for a job at the 5th Avenue Theatre, and we will see, I should know by the end of the week, but I waffle on whether I really want it or not... I think the fact that it is year round is making me a bit sad, but.... I can do stuff when I do have down time because I might have a bit of cash. sigh. I don't even have it yet.  I was a bit worried, I would have to jump right in on the start date having to know everything and be on the top of my game, but I looked at the calendar, and it looks like there are a few weeks of prep type stuff before Spamalot loads in. Anyway. The interview went well by the way, but I know the other candidate, and she has more leader type documentable experience, and they know us both, there might be others, but they are from out of town I think.

So, my uncle (and Family) have been inviting me to holiday events lately, usually on shortish notice, well, just Thanksgiving and Christmas, so far, which is very nice of them, but I'm not at a loss on what to do with myself since my mom died, for the holidays.  And while yes, I would like to see them, they are not on the top of the people to see on the trip to California.  I wish I were richer, with a more regular job, to be able to plan a long vacation and see all the family, but I didn't chose that path.  One day I would like to go on a vacation to some cool place I have never been before too, but sigh.  I know they don't mean to be irritating, and I'm sort of an ungrateful family member, not ungrateful, selfish... maybe... anyway. And they did visit me in '95, and take me camping.

well, these bourbon marshmallows are not going to make themselves... and it wont be Christmas without them.

P.S. is it possible to go through life and not have heard of Hanukkah? I know its just a little holiday, so maybe?

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