Saturday, July 28, 2012

Stupid job.

I have been very busy lately, but when I say busy, I mostly mean stuck at my job for 12 to 15 hours a day.

I can say all sorts of things about how this went, but it is a public forum, and I don't want what I say to come back and bite me in the ass.

That being said my life is more reasonable, 3 8 hour days and 2 12 hour days, I'm still a bit tired and cranky, but it's working it's way out.

I have been taking a meditation class on Monday nights and that has been nice, I'm not so good about practicing hopefully I'll be better now that I have a little time. I do notice my mindset in certain situations more than before and I also am a little better at being present in the current moment. This is easier if I had been dwelling on something past that was unpleasant but it has helped me.

I'm reluctant to confess this but I'm starting yet another fitness program. I feel confident I will stick to it. I often have motivational problems - my friends are also not very helpful in this regard. But I figure it might be like quitting smoking, keep trying till it sticks.

Well my break is almost over. Maybe. I think. Anyway.

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