Saturday, October 2, 2010


So, do you all read the twitter feed to the right?

Well, they found nothing in my colon, nary a polyp. I am pretty excited.

But this doesn't mean I'll get some stamp of cancer free, because of that protein marker, I'm not sure what the next step is, I'm going to not worry about that yet. You shouldn't either!

Unfortunately for my curiosity, the drugs they gave me for the procedure either put me out or I can't remember any thing. I hope I did not disgrace myself in front of the cute medical tech/drug pusher, he sort of brought the cougar out of me... Sigh.

Next up, is a follow up with radiation oncology, they will just be looking at the radiated area. This is Tuesday October 12th.

No medical news is good news until then, oh, except I have to go get the pertussis and flu shot. Lame.

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