Monday, February 8, 2010

just a little unpdate

not sure Why I feel compelled to blog a little, but there you are.

I was supposed to go to a shop math class tonight, in an out of the way, long bus trip place... my heart wasn't in it, and I decided I wasn't going to go, I planned on using the I didn't have the exact address or i forgot excuse. Then I got a reminder email yesterday with the address.

so, I gathered up my crap, consulted the bus website, and headed out, two hours before the class started. I even packed food, since I am on a diet as of this weekend, and well, I am not allowed to eat random food, or get hungry.

The first leg went fine, to downtown, then on the express bus, I knitted on a sock, and tracked my progress on my phone.

we got the Renton, and continued on, the phone said we were close, and I should get off, but the timetable said I had 15 minutes of travel left to do, I stayed on the bus a little longer... too long, before I got off, so... I crossed the street, to catch a bus in the other direction. and waited, about an hour. before a bus came in the other direction. I had to duck into the country club to pee at one point.

As I approached the stop I should have taken, I checked the time, about 20 minutes late for the class.... with out the 4 block walk to the place.... and I figured... I didn't want to go in the first place. so, I went home.

I'll get someone to tutor me, if we ever figure out if we are having a test.

I am a little annoyed with our apprentice program... why does it have to be 3 years, why is some of it sooooo basic, but other things you wont know unless you already do it?

I hope my journeyman card has sparkles.

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