Tuesday, December 29, 2009

hmmm post from phone is missing.

any way...
11. make the bear skin rug
12. make the leopard robe
13. make leopard skin rug
14. think of fun kid item to make with leopard skin fleece?
15. take care of the worms
16. more grass for the kitties
17. clean clean clean
18. haul out some of this crap.
19. hang out with some friends
20. start the knitting group again?

Flower tea

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Almost the end of the season

I am so close to the end of the season I can taste it.
I have a few plans, for my time off.
One. Clean the apartment.
Two. Yoga till I iron out the kinks.
Three. Fix my sewing machine.
Four. Sew monkey cats
Five. Put camera software on computer.
Six. Learn how to make ringtones.
Seven. Make individual ringtones. I will take suggestions.
Eight. Finish the Longest Journey II
Nine. Play oblivion.
Ten. Knit my green sweater.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I am a little bit of a failure.

so, its possible I will get none of my knitting goals done before Christmas, sorry Dad.

But they will follow shortly.

I am not sure what is wrong with me, but it might be that I am not used to this schedule.. sort of split days and in the evening, also having a portable computer/iphone has not helped.

I think in my head I thought more time would free itself up. As I look at two more days off before christmas, not counting Xmas eve. and I need to give up my delusions...

With one of four socks almost done... I need to concentrate on the mittens which I have to design. Then knit. and a hat for a friend in exchange for a cake. the hat should be nothing...

I still have my housewifely duties to perform... which I hope to work on tonight. but there is no joy in it.

I am a little mad at christmas. why can't you happen in February... when I might have time.