Tuesday, April 21, 2009
so, another time then?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Another Day
I have sorted through the yarn in the living room, and made a dent in the recycling, but its not finished yet..
I need to make my bed, fold my clothes and put them away, relocate the new comupter, wash dishes and put the dry ones away, get a return authorization for some computer components, and do a little yoga.
Before I go to work.
I want to be a woman of leisure.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Lets see, my show opened, thats good, Yelena came with 2 other Russians, I thought of them 1st, since its a Russian book.
I confessed I had not read Crime and Punishment, though I did buy it, and might very well read it some day. I am curious now, since a review sort of mentioned that it covers maybe less than a 1/4 of the book. It might be too religious for me though, I know the play's theme is redemption through confession and forgiveness. And they talk about the resurrection of Lazarus... a lot.
Went to dinner with Yelena last Thursday... yummy thai food. At Tup Tim Thai... I even tried something different. I tend to order the same things. It was garlic pork I think... and Yelena had beef salad.
ummmm I got up at ass crack (6am) to work with the scene shop moving some stuff on Friday... I had big plans for what I was going to do during the really long break from noon to 630pm when I had to go back to work to do a show. Yeah.... well I took a nap, and knitted some.
I cleaned the kitchen, hallway and bathroom on Thursday too, but since then I have done no housework. There is so much crap, I am not sure where to start.. and I think I might be lazy.
I ordered a new computer... this one works fine, but at any moment now it could fail. and I would cry... no seriously I would cry! So, I upgraded a little. I got a new computer desk too... I say got, but I ordered them on line, so it might take a tiny bit for them to come.
Unfortunately I left the remaining money of what I had saved for the computer and such in my checking account. So, I have gone a little crazy. The costco thing, well that was food, and now I am good for over a month. But the Yarn, well, Hilltop had a sale, I really only buy sock yarn at yarn stores, since for the amount you need for a sweater is cheaper to buy online, if you don't care that the color is closed out, or the yarn itself. But I let myself buy sock yarn as impulse. I'm too cheap to buy anything more than $20 for enough for a pair... but there was a sale, anyway I got enough for 2 pair, oh, and a book - about socks. The book is not fabulous, but it is interesting, the yarn - one is a blue purple colorway in alpaca and merino - very fuzzy, and the other is a colorway in purple blue and lime green - the green really pops, its in 100% superwash merino. I think the one with the lime green might turn into the Battlestar Galactica socks, maybe.
All this yarn extravagance might have been fine.... if not for the fact that the following day, I bought 2 more, not on sale from the sock brewery... both kits for a Knit a long mysery sock pattern that starts 15 days before sock wars four, one would have been enough to do the knit along... in fact I didn't need to buy yarn at all. I have some already. But the kit comes with beads. Now the question of why two....? well there were 2 options, one a purple/lavender, and one a yellow... the lavender one, a no brainer, its my favorite color... I haven't got any purple socks yet, but that doesn't mean I don't have the yarn to do it. Then I thought, I have alot of purple yarn and I have never even own any all yellow sock yarn, how nice for summer! But I couldn't not buy the purple. Terrible.
My only excuse is, while during this economic downturn, I have a good job that is relatively secure, at least till next January. I am afraid I might not be able to buy yarn in the future.
So even though I have enough to knit for 2 years and not run out... (I think) Not including gift knitting which is not ever my fancy impulse yarn, but yarn purchased with the recipient in mind, and then knit for them in a reasonable amount of time.
well anyway.. I have laundry to get.
1. Overnight mail is not permitted. Any other type of mail by any carrier is permitted as long as it is not overnight delivery. Delivery confirmation is always a good idea.
2. If you receive a pair of death socks, you are required to mail your assassin your SIPs. If you didn’t have a chance to start a pair of socks, you must mail enough sock yarn to make a pair of socks to your assassin, or return their death socks to them. It is simply not acceptable to receive death socks and not send SIPs or sock yarn to your assassin.
3. When you are killed, you must mail your SIPs to your assassin as soon as possible. As soon as possible means no more than 2-3 days and definitely never more than 7 days.
4. Communication is important. On the leaderboard, you will find your name linked into a form. Once a week, you must stop by the leaderboard and click on your name, and click on your status (waiting on SIPs, working on socks, dead, retired, etc.) Periodically, I also email everyone for an update on their status. If I email you and don’t receive a response within 4 days, and you have also not checked in for 2 weeks in a row, you will be marked as retired and out of the game.
5. You are expected to work as diligently as possible on your weapon. Your target should expect their death at any time and live in fear of you. If you are not able to kill your target within a reasonable amount of time, please be kind to them and let them know, along with letting the SC know.
6. If you are killed, please be kind and send along a note with your SIPs to let your assassin know where you left off and which pattern you were using.
7. Any modifications of the pattern must be agreed to by the Supreme Commander. Socks significantly off gauge and socks off pattern will be declared a misfire unless prior permission has been granted.
8. Be kind to your fellow warriors and treat them as you wish to be treated. Everyone knits to the best of their ability, and while smack talk is encouraged, unkindness is not. Violations of this rule will result in disqualification.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Crime and Punishment
It just opened on Friday, and I think its good, it is really hard to tell from the back, the review was positive, though, and the one think she said about it, that was no as claustrophobic as the first production, well, my friends didn't think so.
I have started to recover and get both laundry and cleaning done, though not quickly, I have a fine sense of procrastination, and filling up the time with useless internet and computer games.
I am roommate free for the next month or so, and I have great plans, that involve deep cleaning things, and sorting stuff. I have about 5 bins of fabric, I haven't looked at in well over a year. Some of it can go, or I can just make stuff.
Speaking of making stuff, I need to make a list of stuff I want to make, while I can get the sewing machine out, fix its problem (99% sure its bobbin lint) and make a bunch of stuff. I want to make some towel dish drainer pads? I know sounds both silly and a little smart. Most of my ideas are! I also need to make the sock monkey kitties. I have kits to make 8, and I am sure once I make them, finding them homes will not be too hard. Off the top of my head I can think of 4, Christina, and babies Anne and Ian and the unknown baby in Sabine's belly.
Speaking of gifts for babies, the Baby surprise jacket inspired by monkeys is almost done, I will probably cast off tonight or tomorrow, then a picture here will follow shortly. I want to make a matching soaker (pants), but I want to read all the patterns to find the one I can use with the monkey colors for best effect. But first I have to finish a tail and gauntlets for Carol's daughter's school production of Cats. I was recruited. Maybe I have till the end of May to make baby things for Sabine? - My first thought after that sentence was... girl keep your legs together I am not done knitting! terrible.
oh, Yelena came to the opening night of my show, it had been a while since I had seen her and she looks great. It doesn't matter what you are doing with your life, she always urges you to do something more, or else. Now I have to make art... or something super creative, and I can't say that thoughts of an art class of some sort aren't in my head. And I always have some sort of crazy project in my head... even if it is just the bear skin rug made out of teddy bears!
But part of this, on Yelena's part is she sold one of her photographs, at the Artist Trust Auction, there was furious bidding on it - what a rush that has to be, people competing to buy your very first photograph sold.
We are going out to dinner on Thursday, so, I am sure I will have more to say then.