So it's been a while since my last post, there is a draft of a post, but it's incendiary, and I'm not sure I will ever post it, which sort of means I'm part of the problem I was going to talk about... Anyway.
My last post was April 22, hmm, what has since then... A good question. I'll work back from today.
Today I am hanging out at a friends house waiting for a water heater guy and some guy who is going to caulk her tub, she is working at the opera from 9am to midnight, and just recently had to have her husband put in jail for being crazy... But that's not really my story to tell.
There are rumors I might be moving in the fall, to something more south, this is just in the rumor stage, and it will be with Pat and the friend whose house I am currently sitting in, now there is a slight possibility that this friend and her husband will miraculously be fixed, and she won't move but this is very remote.
So, further back in time, this summer is a Wagner's Ring Cycle summer at Seattle Opera, it's sort of a big deal, it's 4 Operas in rep, that tell the story of the Ring of the Nibelung, based on the same stories that also inspired Tolkien, and at 17 hours of opera, it makes Peter Jackson look like a star of editing. It's also massive, and a bit epic, plus, it's 5 weeks of lots of hours. So, something to brag about and you make a little money. Well, there was a distinct possibility that I might have had enough seniority to get it, but alas I did not, so, a bit disappointing and now I have to scramble about for the summer, but, since finding out I'm not on that, I got a little spot op job, and a tiny job at ACT, (which might lead to more) and I guess I'll have to get some projects done.
Before this, and leading up to ring prep, my friend Christina decided she wants to open a theatre, they have this thing in Tacoma, called space works, and people can get grants to use empty buildings downtown, so downtown looks less, well, empty. There is probably some fine print, about improvements, and getting out on a moments notice, but whatever. So she and her husband are going to start this theater company, and my main contribution is, I'm creating a late night space opera serial, which I also hope to post on YouTube as a web series. And everyone is pretty excited about it. What I know about it so far, is the lead character will be female, she will be slightly sexist towards men, and possibly slightly racist towards white people, though her skin tone is not decided at the moment. The sexism will be ever so slight, one example, if three people are lifting something, and two are female and one is male, she would ask the guy if its too heavy for them, or ask if they need to trade out.
(This happens to me all the time, if I'm with a group of guys working, someone will always ask me if I'm ok lifting that, and I would freaking tell you if it's too heavy, besides when it's to heavy for me, it's too heavy for you. Another example would go like this...
JACK: I will check on the generator.
CAPTAIN: Jill, why don't you help him with that.
JILL: I'll go check on the generator.
CAPTAIN: Do you need someone to help with that?
But anyway, Christina likes Star Trek, and I prefer the more renegades in space, like Blake 7 and firefly. And I have put the Doc Smith novels (the first space opera novels they say) on my kindle. So it will be a mix of those.
Before all that, I went on the Puget sound yarn crawl, with my friend Erika and our friend from knitting group, Beth. The whole thing is 24 yarn stores from Blaine to Renton, and there is a free pattern plus the yarn to knit it is on sale, at each store, and there is a daily drawing at each store, and a big drawing at the end. So Erika (who is a friend from work) and I only made it to 17 stores, while Beth made it to all 24. But I won two of the daily drawings. Mostly though its a giant road trip, with yarn.
All my mama drama is largely concluded, I had asked Al if he would look for a scarf I knit for my mom, which I sort of would like to have, and he sent me a box of random crap, nothing worth keeping, or even remotely symbolic of my mom, when I thanked him (politely) he replied he was now done with Sylvia's family. So, I've written him off. Oh, I take that back, I got my moms copy of the Gregson memoirs, I've tucked that away. There are some things in the cedar chest and some pictures she painted, I would like to have, or give away. I tried to say as delicately as possible, can you tell whoever you have planned to take care of your effects, give them my number for any of my moms crap you are currently keeping, but however you do it, it sounds greedy. And morbid.
Oh well.
That's about it, for now.
As always I plan to do better about blogging.