Monday, September 29, 2008

Another thing while I was on a break

I can't tell you how hard it is to take pictures of a hat on your own head. This ended up being mostly back. though, not a terrible picture.
a little more close up, this hat spirals up, and again the colors are better in real life, at least I think so,
the colors are a little better in this one, I love the colors in Noro.

So, the blanket is sort of on hold at present, its almost all detail work, complicated knitting, or getting bulky, so I can't work on it at work, or at least during tech. Damn it!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

While I was on a "break"

So, I made socks from the remaining yarn from the Sock Monkey Kit. I guess I could have made more, but, I like socks too, and I was feeling like I needed new ones.
I pretty much used up all of the purple yarn, now I just have pink, and maybe not enough to make socks for me. Its possible little Anne, Megan's baby might get some socks. I would make them for Ian, but people are still pretty touchy about pink for boys, you can have blue for girls, but not pink for boys. Silly.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Blanket Update

so, I have started putting the blanket together, even though I have 2 squares to finish, I am also trying to put the finishing touches on each block before I join them.
Its crazy how much a little black embroidery thread makes this look more like a bear!
I am going to keep the tail loose on this little guy. 'Cause I think its funny.
Whats amazing to me here, is how in reality the green I picked is way too dark, but here it looks almost exactly the right color. I don't know what is the matter with my camera that the colors aren't true, but oh well.
This is the beginning of square number 19, its soooo many strands of yarn all at once, that I cannot work on it at work... which is another reason to finish up the other ones.

Things I knit while on break from the Blanket

So, I couldn't knit the Goodnight Moon Blanket all the time, so here are the things I did while on a little Break. This is Neal, he was in Little Dog Laughed, and we traded, he made me delicious cookies, and I made him this hat. Its called Irish walking hat, pretty easy, little bit of cabling.
The yarn is Berocco Alpaca, and it was shockingly inexpensive, and nice.

Here is Neal, giving me his debonair look, actors are funny.

Friday, September 12, 2008

5 more completed blocks

so, here are the 5 additional blocks I have completed. We have air.

the red balloon, the yarn for the balloon is a red silk ribbon.

next we have the brush and the comb. Some blocks will need more embroidery than others

After that, we have a block I am very proud of, the old lady, I will be adding a little bit of knitting for her.

and Last but not least, Nobody, almost everyones favorite part of the book.